Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Fri Jan 29, 2016   4:22am   
The RFID Microchip -DO NOT TAKE IT AT ALL COST, The Great Tribulation, God’s End Time Servants,
Your Eternal Destiny, Planet X, WW3

The Lord woke me up and told me He wanted to talk to me about The Great Tribulation.
 said, Okay.  So I got up.  I asked Him,
Q:  Lord, what do you want to say to me?  I said, what do you want to tell me about?
A:  “He said, I want to tell you about The Great Tribulation.  It will be unequalled in time from The Creation of the World.  Now, that’s a long time from the beautiful creation to the ultimate destruction of it, the earth.  It makes My Heart so sad to see it go this way.  But I must do it.

For when I told Adam and Eve not to sin in The Garden, and they did not obey, it broke My Heart.  But I knew that that would happen.  For I gave man his own free will and knew the choice that he would make.
It is always easier to sin than to live justly, and right.  That’s because of the fallen nature of man.
So, when The Rapture happens, many will be left behind.  That’s because it’s easier not to do something, than it is to do something about your eternal life.  And many people do not even concern themselves with their eternal destiny.  They like to go on living their lives as they please – not as I please, not as I want them to.
I want that everyone would be saved and then have eternal life with Me in Heaven.  I want that with all of My Heart.  But, the devil, the cunning serpent, he goes along and tries to deceive many.  Many that have not searched for Me yet.
Yes, the Gospel was preached to all the nations, but to many, it went to deaf ears.  So, when The Tribulation, The Great Tribulation happens, many will be unaware of the ways of the enemy.  There will be so much chaos all around, that people will just follow what’s being told for them to do. 
And they will be told, that now, we have a different, a new system, a new way of life.  It’s the Advanced Technology Age.  And they will say, You need to have this Chip implanted in you, in order to get paid from your job, in order to buy your fruits and groceries, your food, you will need it to buy gas, for your car, for your insurance, for your mortgage, like to even need it to get a mortgage, it will be needed for everything. 
Then, people will be just like cattle, they will do just as they are told. 
But I say, this is not the right way.
I say, they will make you plead allegiance to the enemy – and many will not know that they are even doing that.  It will be a trick of the enemy.  A trick from him from stealing souls from Me, from even My Christian People.  Because, he comes to kill, steal and destroy.   He is so cunning, so crafty, that wicked serpent of old.
He will bring it across in such a smooth fashion, this New Chip Technology, the RFID Chip.  This Radio Frequency Chip – and say that this is the tool of a new and civilized society.  This is The New Age and this is The New World Order.
He will try to deceive many, and even My Own.
But I say, I will send My Workers, My Servants, hand chosen by Me, to work My Vineyards – to bring the harvest Home.  I will need many Servants of God to accomplish this great task. 
Do not dismay, it will not be difficult because I will equip you with everything that you need.  You will be filled with My Spirit, like never before, and go forth to bring the nations back to Me.  There will be a huge soul harvest.  Many will come to Me.
Many will shudder when they see Me in the sky, that then, they will know that I truly do exist, that they will believe because of that.
Many that are ‘on the fence’ so to speak, will believe in My Name, in My saving grace. 
Many will realize they missed the catching away, the taking up of The Bride of Christ and they will mourn greatly. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Edgar Cayce's Obama Prophecy

Edgar Cayce's Obama Prophecy
Posted In: Mysteries  8/10/12
By: David Martinez
The predictions of famed 20th century psychic Edgar Cayce are known worldwide.

What did psychic Edgar Cayce exactly say? Here they are: "The 44th US president would be black and he would be the last one.  The 44th US President will pull the nuclear trigger."

In 1939, Edgar Cayce predicted the deaths of two presidents, saying:

“You are to have turmoil — you are to have strife between capital and labor. You are to have a division in your own land, before you have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office … a mob rule!”

On April 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office. Cayce went on to say:

“Unless there is more give and take, consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land.”

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.

Furthermore Edgar Cayce described the concept of the shifting of the pole as a result of the crust of the Earth moving independently from the core to bring a different surface area over the spin axis in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. This process has received more and more attention by geophysicists.

He predicted that changes to the Earth’s surface would begin sometime between 1958 and 1998. The cause of these changes would be the shift in the world’s magnetic poles around the year 2000. Cayce said when this occurs, it would bring reversals in the world’s climate:

“…where there has been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, there will be a more tropical one, and moss and fern will grow.”

According to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, something changed the Earth’s gravitational field which moved the magnetic poles closer together in 1998. This confirms Cayce’s prediction of a pole shift.

Could his prediction of the last U.S. President and impending nuclear war be true? Only time will tell.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Beware Of The Rising Cult Of End Times Churchianity

| August 24, 2015 

Churchianity is a counterfeit and perverted form of Christianity that covertly epitomizes humanism with a sort of ‘build-a-bear’ Jesus attached.

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” 2 Corinthians 11:3,4 (KJV)
As Satan continues to lull the body of Christ to sleep in the last days before the end of the church age and the catching away; the corrupt fruits of counterfeit bibles, perverted gospels, and unclean spirits have come full harvest in an emerging cult that I personally refer to as “Churchianity”. Churchianity is a counterfeit and perverted form of Christianity that covertly epitomizes humanism with a sort of ‘build-a-bear’ Jesus attached.
Do you want your “best life now”, or in eternity?
In short, Churchianity is humanism with a mannequin Jesus. It “praises Jesus” while rejecting nearly everything God says in His word unless it can be twisted to promote their prosperity or well-being. By far, one of the most notorious modern-day leaders of this cult is Joel Osteen. In the eyes of Churchianity, Biblical Christianity is often looked upon as hateful, mean spirited, divisive, causing harm to the cause of Christ (whatever that means), bigoted, judgmental, arrogant, and unloving. So how can you tell when a brother in Christ or lost person has been deceived by the easygoingness of this cult? Sadly, it’s painfully obvious.
Have you ever spoken with a “Christian” or been to a “Christian church” where some of the most basic Biblical stances were either put into question or simply rejected? Even when clearly shown scripture on the issue, the “Christian” or “church” still chooses to esteem their own opinions and preferences over what God says in his word?
For Example:
What are God’s views regarding Homosexuality?
Christianity – Homosexuality is an abomination to God and has been before the law (Gen 13:13), under the law (Leviticus 18:22), and under grace (Romans 1:27-32).
Churchianity – Jesus never specifically mentioned anything against homosexuality, therefore there’s nothing wrong with it because love is love.
Is there one way to God or several?
Christianity – There is only one mediator between God and man, and that’s the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). Any other way will land man straight into the Lake of Fire.
Churchianity – As long as a person means well in their heart, God will show them the way. Whether that way is Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed; what really matters is your intent to spread God’s love the best way you know how.
If a person dies without Christ, what happens after they die?
Christianity – Their soul will burn in Hell where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quench (Mark 9:44)
Churchianity – It’s not our place to judge. What matters is that we do our best to help people who have lost loved ones because God is a God of comfort.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” Romans 16:17,18 (KJV)

Fundamentals of Churchianity

Though often hidden disguised by good words and fair speeches, here are some of the basic fundamentals of Churchianity to watch out for:
  • Worship is connected with humanism and not absolute truth
  • Salvation is based on ‘religious experience’ and not faith in Christ alone
  • Life is about the here and now, and not the life hereafter
  • God is who you think he is and who you want him to be; but never who HE SAYS HE IS in the scriptures
  • The spiritual realm is a realm where truth no longer applies, only feelings
  • There is no higher authority than one’s own opinions and preferences
  • Fear man, not God
  • The Bible is a book of private interpretations and suggestions
  • Man is the foundation, not God
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” Ephesians 4:14,15 (KJV)


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Revelation - The Bride, The Beast & Babylon

The World’s Most Mysterious and Controversial Book Is Now Unveiled! No other book in the Bible has been more misunderstood or misrepresented than Revelation. For ages, its mysterious symbols and ominous predictions have perplexed millions and sparked wild speculation. But now, that all changes with Revelation: The Bride, The Beast & Babylon! Going to the very heart of the Bible’s most challenging book, this 90-minute documentary decodes the visions of Revelation 12 and 17 for everyone to understand. Journeying from the birth of Christ through the Christian era, this amazing video pulls aside the veil of hidden history to reveal the rise of Babylon, the persecution of the bride of Christ, and the real-world identity of the beast. Educational and inspiring, Revelation delivers the keys to understanding the epic conflict between Christ and Satan and what it means for your life today. 

#dougbatchelor #amazingfacts #revelation #bride #beast #babylon #religion #evangelism #documentary #televisiondocumentary