Friday, May 29, 2015

The Waco Massacre: Peaceful bikers rode into a killing field.

Monday, May 25, 2015 14:57

By Brooks Agnew
I was thinking of riding my Honda Shadow 1100  to Twin Peaks today to have some wings and enjoy the sports on TV on this gorgeous Memorial Day Weekend.  The sun was shining, and the temperature was a perfect 82 degrees.  I rode by the mall, with only moderate traffic and saw a couple of other bikers out doing the same thing I was doing; riding with no particular place to go.
I was riding alone and was not with any other bikers, but we always exchange the extended two-fingered peace sign as we pass one another on the roads winding through the countryside and through the cities of America. 
As I made the turn onto the frontage road along the busiest shopping center in town, I noticed two police vehicles in the parking lot.  One was a cruiser with black wheels and the new, aggressive paint scheme.  The other was a black SUV with a light bar on top.  I rolled through the parking lot in a Pavlovian state of mind, thinking about the delicious wings they serve and the beautiful and cheerful servers they have with this biker-friendly franchise. 
Then I remembered Waco.  A wave of trepidation swept through me.  I looked around for snipers on the rooftops, and other police vehicles that might be parked nearby at the ready.  I saw two more, parked with their driver side doors facing eachother.  Then, I looked over to the mall side of the parking lot, and I noticed an elevated police observation tower than had been raised up with its blacked out windows. 
I never actually stopped my bike.  I decided that this looked too dangerous, even though I have a perfectly clean record, including no traffic citations for more than 10 years.  I thought about those 9 bikers, shot in the head and neck with police assault rifles for doing nothing but the same thing I was thinking about doing; having some wings with other bikers who were out enjoying the beautiful weather.  Were there scuffles at biker places where I have stopped for great food before?  Sure.  Nothing ever happened that was serious.  Bikes and beer can sometimes get out of hand, but friends don’t let it last long.  They all ride away and let it go like water under the bridge.  After all, there are far too many 4-wheel threats out there for bikers to be fighting amongst themselves very long.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought......the JourNey BeGins

Published on Aug 2, 2014 NOAH (FULL Noah Movie ~ "NEVER TRUST THE ENKI" OWN NOAH is a JourNey into the vast evidence of the Global Flood, Occult, Demons, Nephilim, Enoch, the Watchers, the Enki, Tower of Babel, Mystery Teachings of Fallen Angels, God, Satan, Heaven, Hell and the dimensions between....

 A FULL documentary investigation into the science behind the supernatural. Noah: Welcome to the JourNey. the Truth is BIGGER than you thought...... Noah, God, Satan, Occult and Flood are ALL now science fact. Noah: The documentary "Noah" takes a hard look, not just at the ancient beliefs, practices, demons, spirits, fallen angels, "aliens" & dark gods going all the way back to their source -- the Tower of Babel itself; but greater still, a sobering walk through some of our current "poor-man sciences" & "textbook mythologies" (such as 1859 Darwin-ism and Evolution-ism .... often debated as "Creation vs. Evolution-ism), to the growing finds of SOFT TISSUE & Dino DNA in dinosaurs... all the way to the controversial Dinosaur Ica Stones.... to the Neanderthal (Human) long-lifespans, to the evidence of a Global Flood (Noah's Flood / Noah's Deluge) all across the surface of the whole planet Earth itself. Noah: The documentary "Noah" also covers the ancient serpent worship on altars of blood by those creatures with elongated skulls that some call "Nephilim, Annunaki, the Races of Giants, etc.... Children of the Fallen Angels..... from the realms of hell and the underworld..... to the throne of God Himself, and cross of Jesus Christ.... and the boat that saved mankind...... from writings on stone all across the globe. Noah: A true JourNey from the cells to the stars.... to the rage of waters from Noah's Flood..... the Epic of Gilgamesh..... pages of Revelation..... and the dimensions of the unseen... and that which lies between. Enjoy Noah...... ~trey smith

FAITH UNDER FIRE Christian witness to Muslims surges after ISIS executions

21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS terrorists in February, putting Christian persecution, which has been going on for decades in the Middle East, on the world media's radar screen.
21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS terrorists in February, putting Christian persecution, which has been going on for decades in the Middle East, on the world media’s radar screen.

'Declarations of faith have created fertile soil for conversations'

A worldwide Christian organization says that the horrific executions of Christians by members of ISIS in Libya in February have sparked a surge in conversations between Christians and Muslims about faith.
Tami Yeager, a volunteer coordinator with the Voice of the Martyrs, reports the “vivid video footage” “did not spark division amongst Egypt’s 10 million Christians and 73 million Muslims.”
Quite the contrary, she said, “the declarations of faith uttered by the men only moments before their death have created fertile soil for conversation between Muslims and Christians.”

Her report appeared on the VOM blog site this week as a followup to a trip to the Middle East. The Christians killed by ISIS in February were mostly Egyptians who had gone to Libya for various jobs.
The ISIS video shows black-clad executioners leading a line of Christians down onto a beach then executing them.
Yeager reported: “Militants released video footage of the martyrdom of Coptic Christian men in Libya. The footage of their martyrdom included a caption that read – ‘The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church.’ The 21 men who knelt before their persecutors were identified as ‘people of the cross,’ and asked to deny their faith or die. Many of the men are seen uttering their final words on this earth – ‘Lord Jesus Christ.’”
She said the statement of faith exhibited by the men “sparked the Bible Society of Egypt’s biggest campaign ever.”
“A Bible tract was created and sent to print within 36 hours following their public executions. Titled ‘Two Rows by the Sea,’ it carries a message of hope, comfort, and forgiveness for both Christians and Muslims alike. The Bible tract has been widely received in Egypt with 1.6 million copies distributed.”
She said one man who lost two brothers that day went on Egyptian television to thank ISIS for including their statements of faith in the video so that the world could see.
Yeager spotlighted another remarkable story:  It wasn’t discovered until later that one of the men wasn’t a Christian when he was led to his execution.
He was identified as Matthew Ayairga of Chad.
“He is believed to not have been a Christian before kneeling in the sand beside the ‘people of the cross,’” Yeager reported. “Witnessing the courage and faith of the Egyptian Christians, he also chose to follow Jesus. Mere moments before Matthew was executed, his executors are seen asking, “Do you reject Christ?’ His reply was, “Their God is my God.’”
Egypt responded to the executions with airstrikes against targets in Libya. Meanwhile, Tea Party Network News noted that President Obama was tweeting a message to sign up for Obamacare at the time of the executions.
Pope Francis denounced the slaughter.
“‘They only said ‘Jesus help me … ‘ The blood of our Christian brothers is testimony that cries out,” he said. “Be they Catholic, Orthodox, Copts, Lutherans, it doesn’t matter: They’re Christian!”
And Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, posted on Facebook that eventually ISIS will bow to Jesus.
He was lamenting the fact that when ISIS released a video of the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya, Muslim leaders were silent.

WND Exclusive Leading Islamic voice calls for reconquering Jerusalem Erdogan: 'Ask Allah to restore the al-Aksa'

By  Leo Hohmann

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on his countrymen to refocus on the Ottoman goal of re-conquering Jerusalem for Islam and uniting Shia and Sunni tribes for that same mission.
Turkish President Erdogan makes eerie presence at party convention 2014
In a speech that got almost no coverage in the Western media, Erdogan talked about invading and reconquering Jerusalem, according to an article in the Anadolu Agency of Turkey.
“We Muslims lost our way toward Jerusalem,” he told throngs of adoring Turks while in the state of Erzincan in central Turkey. “The water of our eyes froze making us blind, and our hearts that was destined to beat for Jerusalem is now instead conditioned for rivalry being in a state of war with each other.”
Erdogan was in the city to promote numerous service projects, but the speech focused on Jerusalem.
“When you mention the worse ascension, the first thing that comes to mind is Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque,” he said, referring to the mosque that sits on the Temple Mount.
The Mount is controlled by Arab Muslim Waqf officials, who do not allow Jews to pray accept at the Western Wall. But apparently Erdogan is not satisfied with this arrangement. He told his countrymen to “ask Allah to restore the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the infallibility of the Muslims.”

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Greatest Nightmare About To Unfold! Proof They Are Pacifying The Public To Martial Law And Civil Unrest

The Greatest Nightmare About To Unfold! Proof They Are Pacifying The Public To Martial Law And Civil Unrest (VIDEO)“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”
That is the unnerving quote found in a government study titled “Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland.”

While America may not yet feel like we are living in the middle of a battlefield, we could very well become caught in the coming battle many are projecting for the the near future…at least that is what the Department of Defense wants citizens to believe.
Considering the United States government has been significantly increasing their training preparations with massive military drills like Jade Helm and the stockpiling of ammo, guns, body armor and the like. The possibility of some type of crisis or the declaration of martial law could become a reality a lot sooner than I would like to believe.
An additional concern is the pacification of society to militarized vehicles. Just a few days ago a tipster sent me a video clip displaying the local police department dressed in SWAT gear with MRAPS, gas masks and riot gear at a Child Safety Event!

Here is the breaking report…

The Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland Report was prepared as part of the Defense Science Board 2007 Summer Study on Challenges to Military Operations in Support of National Interests. It delves into the possibility of a catastrophe or crisis here at home while our military is deployed abroad at war or some other military issue. If that happens then the DOD will be called upon to act here in America. This document ensures preparations for that.
Here are a few important points contained in the report:
Page iii-
“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”
Page vii-
Assuring Deployment and Supply: Three areas seemed most important for DOD attention: (1) critical infrastructure protection and/or resiliency, (2) logistics, and (3) family and individual preparedness. A fourth area, military installation protection and preparedness, was the subject of a recent DSB task force. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Emails reportedly show confidant told Clinton Benghazi attack planned by fighters tied to Al Qaeda

A longtime Clinton confidant reportedly advised then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton two days after the 2012 Benghazi terror attack that an Al Qaeda-tied group had planned the deadly assault and used a protest as cover -- but despite this warning, Clinton's U.N. ambassador went on to publicly claim the attack was "spontaneous." The guidance from ex-Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal was contained in a memo sent Sept. 13, according to The New York Times. It is the latest documentation effectively contradicting the administration's early narrative that the attack was driven by protests over an anti-Islam Internet video -- and raising questions over why officials stuck to that story for days.  

According to the Times, Blumenthal initially blamed "demonstrators" angry over that video for the attacks. But the next day, he sent Clinton a very different memo. According to the Times, Blumenthal told Clinton the attack was driven by Al Qaeda-tied Ansar al-Shariah members who had planned it for a month and used a protest as cover. He cited "sensitive sources." "We should get this around asap," Clinton reportedly told an adviser in response. Yet, despite this guidance, then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice would go on several television programs Sept. 16 to claim the attacks were "spontaneous," and not premeditated, and link them to protests over the anti-Islam video. More on this... US intel knew about weapons going from Benghazi to Syria The State Department would later admit there was no protest on the ground in Benghazi that day. The role of the video continues to be debated to this day, but a mounting body of evidence has emerged showing multiple assessments that the attack was to some degree planned. Fox News reported earlier this week that a Defense Intelligence Agency report from Sept. 12 also said there were indicators the attack was planned and meant as retaliation for a drone strike that killed an Al Qaeda strategist. The memo, obtained through a federal lawsuit by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, said: "The attack was planned ten or more days prior to approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for the US killing of Aboyahiye (Alaliby) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings." Additional memos surfaced last year indicating Rice -- now the national security adviser -- was prepped before those Sept. 16 Sunday shows. One email from a top administration adviser specifically drew attention to the anti-Islam Internet video, without distinguishing whether the Benghazi attack was different from protests elsewhere in the region which were over the video.

U.S. vows to continue patrols after China warns spy plane

U.S. vows to continue patrols after China warns spy plane

Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He Really Is

22-CityView presents Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995, this originally aired on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the show "The Author Series." In this episode Obama discusses his book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," which at the time had just been released a few months  previously.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Texas Governor Calls Obama a Liar and Has Texas National Guard Monitoring Jade Helm


I was greatly disappointed a few days ago when I first heard Governor Abbott was being made fun of as some type of a conspiracy theorist because he gave direct orders to the Texas National Guard to keep a close eye on Operation Jade Helm. The same media pinheads pointing fingers and laughing at the mere thought that Obama would be less than truthful about Jade Helm, are the same group of Obama clapping seals that were lied to about Obamacare “because they were stupid enough to believe the twisted language of the bill,” were lied to about Benghazi, lied to about the IRS, and on and on and on. 
I find it fascinating that these loons on the Left are so disconnected with reality, that even in a week when Governor Abbott calls out Obama and his dishonesty in public, these fools STILL have no problem looking down their noses at anyone who would even suggest Obama is being less than truthful about Jade Helm.  Abbott said, “After months of obfuscation and stall tactics by the Obama administration, the president’s lawyers have been forced to admit that they acted outside the law by implementing president’s executive amnesty — even after a federal judge had ordered them to stop,” 

China Warns Philippines Military to Stay Away from Disputed Territory

© AP Photo/ Xinhua, Li Tang
(updated 09:04 08.05.2015) 
China has warned Philippine military planes six times to leave disputed areas of the South China Sea and may be “testing the waters” to see if it can establish a no-fly zone in the region, senior Philippine military officials said.
"As we were conducting routine maritime air patrols and flying in international airspace, our air force aircraft were challenged over the radio," Vice Admiral Alexander Lopez told a Senate hearing in Manila on Thursday.
Lopez, commander of the Philippine Western Command, said the pilots ignored the warnings, replying that they are navigating international space.
While Lopez did not provide a timeframe, another senior Philippine air force official who asked to not be identified told Reuters that the six warnings had come in the past three months.
That official added that China could be "testing the waters" to see if it can enforce an air exclusion zone above the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, where multiple countries have overlapping territorial claims.
Recent satellite images show China has made rapid progress in reclaiming land around seven reefs it occupies in the Spratlys, including building what appears to be an airstrip on one of the artificial islands, Reuters reported.
"The Chinese said our planes were in their military security area," Vice Admiral Lopez told senators.
Chinese flag
© AFP 2015/ Mark RALSTON

In late 2013, China imposed an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), in which aircraft are supposed to identify themselves to Chinese authorities, above the East China Sea. The United States and Japan condemned the move.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Muslim Colonization of America: Coming Soon To a City or Town Near You

by Voice of Reason
I have talked about this over and over and over during the last two years, but no one ever reads the posts on the subject. People should be OUTRAGED because this may be Obama’s biggest scam on the American people yet. It will be his permanent stamp on this country by transforming us into a ONE-PARTY SYSTEM! Obama and LUIS GUTIERREZ: PUBLIC ENEMY #1 have been relocating their new amnesty granted Democrat voters right into the middle of Red Counties. The plan is to make it mathematically impossible for the GOP to win the White House in 2016 by turning Red Counties to Blue ones. By the time people realize what hit them… we’ll NEVER see another Republican president again! 
In a post I put out earlier today titled: AMERICANS PROVE TO BE COWARD IN THE FACE OF REAL DANGER, it talks about a number of scandals Obama is actively participating in, one of which is OBAMA FLOODING THE BIBLE BELT WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNSCREENED MUSLIM REFUGEES! How original. Not like he’s ever done that before… 
[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter – have to go to Blog]


More than 60 years later, former medic may be honored with Distinguished Service Cross

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Edward Halcomb with medals from his time in the Army photographed in the office of his Clay County home. Clay County resident Edward Halcomb has been nominated for the Distinguished Service Cross for his service during the Korean War. He and the surviving members of his Army unit were taken as prisoners and marched 300 miles to Pyongyang. After 85 days in captivity he and several others escaped and days later, the remaining prisoners were moved into a rail tunnel and massacred by the North Koreans.
In 1948, no one would have believed Edward “Grady” Halcomb would end up receiving the nation’s second-highest award for heroism.
If former Hawaiian Senator Daniel Akaka and U.S. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Tampa, get their way, that’s exactly what will happen.
Halcomb lied about his age, dropped out of school and enlisted at the age of 16 in 1947.
But after being returned by armed guards to Ft. Sam Houston following a second AWOL excursion, the wayfaring stranger wanted out.
“When I got there I called my mother and said, ‘Mom, get me out of this Army,’” Halcomb said. “I told her to send my birth certificate and she did.
“I got out of the stockade on Tuesday and on Thursday they handed me a minority discharge and gave me a bus ticket to Hamilton, Ohio — that was in June of 1948.”
Just six months later however, Halcomb was standing yet again in front of an Army recruiter — “A different one,” he said with a laugh.
His mother, who just wanted her son to stick to something, told him he better be serious.
“I told her, ‘I’ll see you in 20 years, Mom,’” said Halcomb, now 84 and a resident of Lake Asbury in Clay County.
Halcomb completed medic training and spent 13 months on the new American base at Okinawa.
A week before his tour was up, Halcomb was told he and some other soldiers wouldn’t be going home after all.
It was early June, 1950.
“They loaded us up on a Japanese tug and we took off,” he said. “After we got out to sea, they told us where we was going.
“Everybody said, ‘What the hell is in Korea?’
“Well, we found out real quick like.”
On June 25, 1950, 135,000 North Korean soldiers — hardened from years of Imperial Japanese occupation, fighting with Soviet weapons and planning — poured across the 38th parallel in South Korea.
The ill-equipped and ill-trained post-WWII American and ROK (Republic of Korea) soldiers, though they many fought fiercely, were quickly pushed back.
Halcomb, now a medic with the 1st Batallion, 29th Infantry Regiment, found himself in the middle of a horrifying bullet-point in history.
“We hit Pusan and then they loaded us up in trucks and took us up to Chinju and on the 26th of July, they sent us to a little town called Anui,” he said. “At the same time they told us we were backing up the 3rd Battalion of the 29th, which was 45 miles away.
“That was a hell of a backup. They evidently told them that they were backing us up.”
Halcomb’s situation, along with the rest of the American soldiers, quickly deteriorated. “Well, they hit us both at the same time and anihilated both battalions,” Halcomb said. “There was 11 of us left at one o’clock in the morning on July 27.”
Halcomb and a handful of other survivors made a last stand at Anui’s schoolhouse. “They was throwing grenades down the hall at this school, and we were picking them up and throwing them back,” he said. “We’d run out of ammunition.
“At 1:30 in the morning, we surrendered to them.”
The war had only been on for one month, so the men, who would be among the first POWs of the war, had no idea if they would be summarily executed, treated humanely or something in between.
“That morning, they came in and took our nice, pretty combat boots from us and give us their little old short shoes,” Halcomb said. “We had to cut the toes out of them in order to be able to fit and our toes were hanging out of the front of them. That’s how we started our march north.”
As Halcomb’s group, that moved from Auni, to Taejon, to Seoul, was joined by hundreds of other American POWs, bringing the total 376.
The senior medic in the group, Halcomb’s job was to set up a sick room wherever the men ended up. “That’s a lot of what kept me going during that time,” he said. “I knew I had a responsibility as the senior medic to look after the rest of the men.”
The group was force-marched all the way to Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, after American-led U.N. forces began to turn the tide and kick the North Koreans back across the 38th parallel and beyond.
The entire march American POWs ,who too injured or too sick to keep up, were shot in roadside ditches and alongside mountain trails. They were also strafed by some U.S. aircraft.
By the time the group finally reached the North Korean capital, 296 POWs clung to life, according to W. Thomas McDaniel’s book, “The Major.”
“We were losing eight or 10 a day on the march and after we got into Pyongyang,” Halcomb said.
The starvation and deaths continued in Pyongyang, but the remaining POWs began to spot B-29 Super Fortress bombers, indicating U.S. forces were closing in.
Halcomb was put on burial detail. The North Koreans allowed the Americans to bury their dead in a Christian village about a mile or so from the school where they were held. “When we’d leave, I’d tell them maybe tomorrow I’d need three or four more graves and they’d dig them for us that night and have them ready for us when we got there,” Halcomb said.
But the sympathetic civilians also provided something else of value: information.
They gave Halcomb and the others on the burial detail updates on the approaching U.N. forces.
One day in early October, the burial detail came back to a stomach-churning site. “We came back to the compound and they had all the troops lined up and ready to head out for Manchuria,” Halcomb said.
With the frigid Korean winter fast approaching and most of the POWs too weak to make such a march, hopes for surviving and finding some way to once again reach U.S. soil were all but gone.
“We had talked about escaping,” he said. “There was five of us on the burial detail. As it all wound up, we left out down this little roadway about wide enough for four abreast and all the guards lined up in the rear or up at the front of the column.”
It was now or never for Halcomb.
He and his four pals from the burial detail waited for their opening. “We came to this little entrance way between two buildings and the five of us ran up in there,” he said. “It was a dead end about from here to the wall, so we ran out and fell back in with the group.
“We went about another 50 yards and did it again and they were marching this way so we just hugged that wall. They marched right on past us.”
Halcomb, 1st Lt. James B. Smith, Cpl. Jack Arakawa, Sgt. 1st Class Robert Morris and Sgt. William Jones hid in an abandoned house for five days.
“At the Christian settlement, they told us that the Americans were going to be there on the 20th of October,” Halcomb said. “So we got on the outskirts of Pyongyang and broke into this house that was deserted because that whole part of the village had headed for the hills evidently.
“Luckily, there was a big urn full of water and a couple of small ones, one with flour and the other had sesame seeds in it.”
Five days later, Halcomb spotted a South Korean flag.
They were saved.
Just what they were saved from, Halcomb would not yet know.
In January 1954, the world learned when the U.S. Senate issued its report on Korean War crimes.
“In October 1950, at Pyongyang, when the fall of the city appeared imminent, the Communists loaded approximately 180 American prisoners into open railroad cars for transport northward,” according to the report. “These men were survivors of the Seoul-Pyongyang death march and were weak from lack of food, water and medical care.
“They rode unprotected in the raw climate for four or five days, arriving at the Sunchon tunnel on October 30, 1950.”
Halcomb knows the story well. The men killed in the Sunchon tunnel massacre were friends.
“They took the major and all the prisoners that was left and told them to go up in this train tunnel and they was going to go get them some food,” he said. “So the major took them all and told them to go in, sit down and rest.
“The North Koreans set up machine guns and just opened fire, fanning fire, into the tunnel there.”
A handful managed to play dead and elude the North Koreans.
“With all of them that had escaped and the ones that played dead there in the tunnel, there was 52 of us left out of the 376,” Halcomb said.
Right after the massacre, U.S. Army paratroopers landed in the vicinity of the Sunchon tunnel.
“My brother happened to be one of the troopers,” he said.
Halcomb’s brother Earl knew Grady was missing in action and hadn’t yet learned of his escape.
“He went through that tunnel,” Halcomb said as his lips quivered, “rolling boys over … looking for me. A day or so later, he seen the Stars & Stripes — I don’t know how in the hell he got one up there in a foxhole, but he got one — there was a picture of me.”
Halcomb retired from the Army as a sergeant first class after more than 20 years of service.
Of course, he saw his mother when he got home.
Clifford Davis: (904) 359-4103

Sunday, May 10, 2015

US Homeland Security Secretary Warns of Lone Wolf Attacks at 'Any Moment'


Lone wolf terrorists pose a significant threat to the United States as they could "strike at any moment," Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said Sunday.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Amid growing concerns about unexpected terrorist threats, the US government is making a greater effort to make state and local law enforcement more reliable and encourage them to be "vigilant" against independent actors, Johnson told ABC.
"Because of the use of the Internet, we could have little or no notice in advance of an independent actor attempting to strike," he added.
Effective use of social media enables the Islamic State militants to reach into different countries, including the United States, and "inspire" people to support terrorism, the Homeland security secretary said.
The Department of Homeland Security is also turning to religious and community leaders in its fight against terrorism, Johnson said.
The terrorist alert level in the United States and in Europe has been raised amid the advance of the Islamic State militant group in the Middle East and several ISIL-inspired terrorist attacks in EU member states.

Does China's Growing Drone Fleet Unnerve the Pentagon?

China allegedly plans to build nearly 42,000 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by 2023, while the Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) is likely to become the largest military drone producer in the world in less than a decade.
The first estimate was presented by the Pentagon in its latest annual report to the US Congress. "China plans to produce upwards of 41,800 land-and sea-based unmanned systems, worth about $10.5 billion, between 2014 and 2023," the agency said.
Beijing is developing a number of drones, including long-rage UAVs such as the Xianglong, Yilong, Sky Saber, and Lijian. Three of these drones are capable of carrying precision strike weapons, while Lijian is a weaponized stealth UAV.
Lijian, likely designed for reconnaissance and combat missions, conducted its maiden flight in November 2013. In the same year, China started using drones in military drills.
"The acquisition and development of longer-range UAVs will increase China's ability to conduct long-range reconnaissance and strike operations," as per the Pentagon.
Although estimates vary, the US Department of Defense is believed to have at least 7,000 drones at its disposal, while the Central Intelligence Agency and the US Department of Homeland Security combined have approximately 40 UAVs.
A Sukhoi SU-35 jetfigther performs its demonstration flight during the 50th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget airport, north of Paris
© AP Photo/ Francois Mori
These figures will surely change by 2023, but in 2013, the US Defense Science Board released a report saying that Chinese UAV spending could match if not exceed that of the US in the coming decades.
Moreover, market researcher Forecast International expects Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), the largest producer of military drones in the country, to reach the top spot globally.
The drones, produced in China, will go to the military but are also built for export. Beijing hopes to increase its share of the global drone market by offering UAVs that are significantly cheaper than those produced by the US. Furthermore, China is willing to sell them to other countries, while the US only exported its armed drones to the UK and is reluctant to add new names to this list.
However, China is not indiscriminate in its weapons export policy.
Earlier this year, Chinese Foreign Ministry said the country was "extremely cautious and responsible" with regard to choosing states it sells weapons to. "We follow principles … not damaging global and regional peace and stability," the ministry spokesman said.

USA 'in range of North Korea's nukes' warns top aide of Kim Jong-un


The senior insider says the dictatorship would be prepared to strike against the United States mainland if necessary

Warning: North Korea has invested huge amounts in its nuclear defence

North Korea has the missile capability to strike the mainland United States and would do so if America “forced their hand”, a senior insider has revealed.
Park Yong-Chol, a deputy director for North Korea’s Institute for Research into National Reunification, said: “We invested a lot of money in our nuclear defence to counter the U.S. threat.
"Huge sums that could have been spent in other sectors to improve our national economy. But this strategic decision was the right one.”
He added: "We’re a major power politically, ideologically and militarily. The last remaining objective is to make the DPRK a strong economic power.”
He denounced a report by South Korea’s spy agency that leader Kim Jong-un had ordered the execution of 15 senior officials as “malicious slander” but acknowledged that executions took place.
South Korea’s National Intelligence Service told a parliamentary committee last week Kim had ordered the 15 officials, including the vice forestry minister, to be executed for challenging his authority, and said Kim used fear and intimidation to rule the country.
Jang Song-Thaek
Intimidation: Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of Kim Jong Un, was executed
  But Park in a rare interview said: “Malicious slander. Especially as they try to link the allegations against the name of our Supreme Leader Marshall Kim Jong-un.”
He acknowledged that executions of those who try to overthrow or subvert the government took place.
“It is very normal for any country to go after hostile elements and punish them and execute them," he said.
In 2013, Kim purged and executed his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, once considered the second most powerful man in the North, for corruption and crimes against the state.
North Korea, heavily sanctioned by the United Nations for its missile and nuclear tests, is technically still at war with the South after the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.

3 arrested in murders of 2 Mississippi police officers during traffic stop

The shooting death of two Mississippi police officers Saturday night during a traffic stop in Hattiesburg prompted a statewide manhunt that led to the arrests of three suspects, according to officials.

Officer Benjamin Deen had stopped a 2000 Gold Cadillac Escalade in an industrial part of the city at around 8:30 p.m. local time Saturday, said Warren Strain, a spokesman for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety. Officer Liquori Tate arrived afterward to assist him, shots were fired, and both officers were wounded.

Strain said both officers died of their injuries at a hospital. The officers’ deaths are reportedly the first for the Hattiesburg police force in 30 years.

Strain said law enforcement agencies across the state launched a manhunt for the perpetrators, leading to the arrests of three suspects:  26-year-old Curtis Banks, his 29-year-old brother Marvin Banks, and 22-year-old Joanie Calloway.

Marvin Banks and Calloway have each been charged with two counts of capital murder, and Banks' brother Curtis has been charged with two counts of accessory after the fact of capital murder.

Strain says Marvin Banks also faces other charges. He says officers arrested the three Hattiesburg residents at different locations overnight without resistance following Saturday night's deadly shooting.

It wasn't immediately known if those arrested had lawyers.

The Hattiesburg American reports that Curtis Banks was brought to the Mississippi Highway Patrol Troop J headquarters Sunday at around 3 a.m. local time. His brother Marvin Banks was arrested about two hours earlier.

The Jackson Clarion-Ledger reported that as reporters were asking Curtis Banks if he had shot two of the Hattiesburg patrolmen, he blurted out “no sir, I didn’t do it.”

"All I know right now is that there was a traffic stop and someone started shooting at them and both of the officers were struck," Lt. Jon Traxler, a police department spokesman, said Saturday night. He said he didn't know how many shots were fired, or exactly by whom, adding that was now part of the investigation.