Friday, August 21, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Are we all going to die next Wednesday?

Two nightmare scenarios, two ends of the world. In the first, there is little warning. For maybe a month there would be no sign that life was about to come to an abrupt and nasty end for all living things on Earth.
Then, earthquakes would start unexpectedly, alerting geologists that something terrible, unimaginable, was amiss.
After a few days, these seismic disturbances would reach catastrophic proportions.
Cities would be levelled, the oceans would rise and wash in a series of mega-tsunamis that would attack the world's coasts, killing millions.
black hole
Is the end of the world nigh? Doom-mongers fear the consequences of scientists replicating the Big Bang
The fact that the earthquakes were striking randomly, not along well-known geological faultlines, would be proof that something devastating was afoot.
Finally, the end would come, in a disaster of Biblical scale. The Earth would literally start to crack up.
Molten lava would wash over the land and the seas would start to boil.
Mega-hurricanes would level buildings and forests the world over. Eventually, mountains would crumble as the Earth's crust continued to disintegrate.
The fabric of the planet itself would start to disappear, trillions of tonnes of rock, water, air and life sucked into a whirlpool of unimaginable force.
From space, our blue-and-white home would appear to vanish down a plughole in a flash of light.
At least in this scenario we would have a little time, perhaps, to come to terms with the end.
However, a second doomsday scenario is even more terrifying. There would be no warning at all.
In an instant - about one-twentieth of a second - the entire Earth would simply vanish from space.
Less than two seconds later, the Moon would follow suit. Eight minutes later, the Sun would be ripped apart, followed by the rest of the planets in the solar system and onwards, a wave of destruction caused by a rent in the fabric of space itself, spreading out from our world at the speed of light.
Any extra-terrestrials out there would die too, in due course. And there would be nothing technology could do about it.
But why should we now be worrying about such possible causes of Armageddon?
The answer is a gargantuan machine - the largest, most expensive scientific experiment in history, the 'Large Hadron Collider', to be turned on next Wednesday.


Monday, August 3, 2015

Watergate architect: Hillary scandals 'much larger' than Nixon'

The chief operative of the infamous Plumbers unit inside the Nixon White House – the man who orchestrated the Watergate building break-in – says that Hillary Clinton's many scandals are "much larger" that anything of which Richard Nixon was accused. "Bear in mind that nobody even caught a cold at the Watergate office building. But four…

Cruz: Obama has 'massive hostility' to religious liberty

"Creation of Man" by Michelangelo (Editor's note: This is part three of a four-part interview with Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz. Read Part one: Cruz fires back at Romney: ‘This is why we keep losing' and part two: Cruz: Abortion videos are game-changers) WASHINGTON – Does U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, fear Christians in America…