Sunday, March 22, 2015

Iran top leader: US wants to turn Iranians against Islamic rule

DUBAI/BEIRUT - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the United States on Saturday of using economic pressure and "bullying" to try to turn Iranians against Islamic rule, underscoring his long-held mistrust of Tehran's main negotiating partner in nuclear talks.

Amid shouts of 'Death to America', Khamenei, who has the last word on all matters of state, added in a speech that Tehran was negotiating with major powers solely on the nuclear dispute and not about regional matters, an apparent reference to conflicts and instability in Iraq, Syria and the Gulf.

His speech, which repeatedly hit out at Western sanctions, attacked "arrogant powers" -- a reference to major Western countries -- for what he said was their role in bringing about a fall in the oil price by more than half in recent months.

Speaking in the north eastern city of Mashhad, he said "enemies" sought to turn Iranians against the Islamic Republic, founded by a 1979 revolution that toppled Shah Reza Pahlavi.

A man in the audience shouted "Death to America", a cry taken up by the crowd.

Khamenei continued: "Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure. They insist on putting pressure on our dear people's economy. What's their goal? their goal is to put the people against the system."

The West suspects Iran of seeking the ability to produce nuclear weapons and the United Nations has imposed stringent economic sanctions on Tehran; Iran says its program is intended only for peaceful purposes, such as medical technology and nuclear energy, and wants the swift lifting of sanctions.

In Nowruz appeal, Obama asks Iranian people to seize 'historic' nuclear deal

LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- US President Barack Obama has made a passionate appeal directly to the Iranian people to support the path of "reason," in step with international powers, over isolation and conflict over its nuclear program, in a holiday message marking the Persian new year.

"I want to take this opportunity once again to speak directly to the people and leaders of Iran," Obama said in his video message. He issued a similar message last year when negotiations were also being held. "This year, we have the best opportunity in decades to pursue a different future between our countries."

Negotiations between Iran and United States are currently under way over Tehran's nuclear program on the shores of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, after nearly two years of talks. Alongside the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany, the parties seek a political framework agreement containing Iran's nuclear program by the end of the month.

"The days and weeks ahead will be critical," he said. "Our negotiations have made progress, but gaps remain. And there are people, in both our countries and beyond, who oppose a diplomatic resolution."

"My message to you—the people of Iran—is that, together, we have to speak up for the future we seek," he continued, adding that his hopes for the Persian new year, Nowruz, include "our hopes for progress between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the international community, including the United States."

While US diplomats broke off negotiations in Europe before Thanksgiving, as well as Christmas, Iran's negotiating team has suggested a willingness to stay through their New Year's Eve, a particularly important cultural holiday in the Islamic Republic.

The president said that, in a sense, "Iran’s leaders have a choice between two paths." They can choose the path of continued isolation, conflict and economic decline through sanctions; or they could choose a "reasonable deal" over its nuclear program.

Calling the opportunity "historic," Obama said the diplomatic offer before Iran may not come again soon and encouraged its leaders not to miss out.

"It can lead to a better path—the path of greater opportunities for the Iranian people. More trade and ties with the world. More foreign investment and jobs, including for young Iranians," the president proposed, should a deal be reached. "A nuclear deal now can help open the door to a brighter future for you— the Iranian people, who, as heirs to a great civilization, have so much to give to the world."

Obama went on to quote Persian poet Hafez, who once wrote on the coming of springtime: Try to be joyful in your heart. For many a flower will bloom while you will be in clay.

"For decades, our nations have been separated by mistrust and fear," Obama said. "Now it is early spring. We have a chance—a chance—to make progress that will benefit our countries, and the world, for many years to come."

"It is up to all of us," he continued, "Iranians and Americans, to seize this moment and the possibilities that can bloom in this new season."

House writes its own Iran letter, but to Obama

Getty Images

A bipartisan letter on Iran signed by 360 members of Congress will be sent to President Obama on Thursday, one of its House signers said. 
The letter, like one 47 Senate Republicans sent to Tehran's leaders, reminds the administration that permanent sanctions relief on Iran as part of a deal to rollback its nuclear program would require new legislation from Congress. 
It comes as international negotiators approach a March 24 deadline to reach a framework agreement.
"Should an agreement with Iran be reached, permanent sanctions relief from congressionally-mandated sanctions would require new legislation," the letter says.
"In reviewing such an agreement, Congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb, and only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief," it adds. 
The letter stops short of supporting legislation pursued by the Senate that would allow Congress 60 days to weigh in on any final deal before its implementation. 
However, it adds, "We are prepared to evaluate any agreement to determine its long-term impact on the United States and our allies." 
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said earlier this week that he would move forward next week on the Senate bill, co-authored with Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), ranking member of the committee. 
The letter, signed by a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the House, comes after Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and 46 other Republicans sent a letter to Iran warning it that any deal might not last after Obama leaves office. 
The White House has threatened to veto any legislation that is passed before the talks with Iran are scheduled to conclude on June 30. 
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), who announced the new letter, said he personally could wait until a deal was agreed to before backing congressional action on Iran, but warned the administration not to bypass Congress. 
"There really cannot be any marginalization of Congress. Congress really needs to play a very active and vital role in this whole process, and any attempts to sidestep Congress will be resisted," Engel said Thursday morning at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. 
"We would hope that we could get a prompt response from the White House. It's truly a very bipartisan letter expressing Congress' strong feelings about things that need to be in the agreement," he said.

Monday, March 16, 2015

"SHARE" the Obama Countdown Clock

Demons are Everywhere! What do you do? The very basics …

If you read the plethora of information out there about dealing with demonically possessed people and demons in general etc.,  you will hear all sorts of things.   Frankly it’s nothing less than confusing and much of it is utter craziness.  Now while I am nobody special in that regard, I was raised my entire life within a family that was “around” that sort of thing all the time.

My mother “dabbled” in the occult. After her and a friend caused a demon to move a chair across the room, she got hysterical and ran directly to the first spirit filled, tongue speaking, non-denominational, praising, holy roller, church she could find. It turned out to be one of the most amazing churches I have ever been in and I was there from 8 years of age until around 15.  That’s where I was blessed by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at the age of 9.  If you want to learn more about that experience read the article here on Tribulation-Now entitled …
When you are “around” that stuff, and hear all the “spiritual” war stories, (people writhing on the floor and hissing like snakes, pots and pans flying around the house, doors slamming, even “reptile looking” demons stuck on the ceiling, etc.) you get an ear full.  Then you combine that information with years of reading and research, it gives you a rather interesting perspective of both first hand experience and “book learning” that is scripturally based.

America to lose one-third of its fresh produce when California runs out of water

(NaturalNews) As Michael Snyder points out in a timely article at The Economic Collapse Blog, California is rapidly reverting back to the desert it was once.

Awareness of this is only now beginning to spread, but almost no one truly grasps the implications of what losing California's Central Valley agricultural output means to grocery shoppers.

Almost no one realizes, for example, that one-third of all the produce grown in the United States comes out of California's Central Valley. As the NYT explains:

Unlike the Midwest, which concentrates (devastatingly) on corn and soybeans, more than 230 crops are grown in the valley... melons, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, chard, collards, prickly pears, almonds, pistachios, grapes and more tomatoes than anyone could conceive of in one place. (The valley is the largest supplier of canned tomatoes in the world too.)

That same article also mentions that 85% of the carrots consumed by Americans are grown in the valley. As Michael Snyder mentions in this article, California also produces:

99 percent of the artichokes
89 percent of cauliflower
94 percent of broccoli
95 percent of celery
90 percent of the leaf lettuce
83 percent of Romaine lettuce
83 percent of fresh spinach
90 percent of avocados
84 percent of peaches
88 percent of fresh strawberries
97 percent of fresh plums

Losing the ability to produce crops in the Central Valley means food prices will skyrocket across America: a pound of organic strawberries might cost $25, a single avocado might run you $10, and a head of organic romaine lettuce might set you back $12 or more.

Of course, you can grow your own Romaine lettuce for about 10 cents a head using the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box, and you can even learn how to make your own with common tools. The more scarce food becomes, the more expensive it gets. That's all the more reason to learn how to grow your own, because growing your own food is not only dirt cheap; it's incredibly easy now thanks to the Food Rising system.

Food imports to skyrocket as America's food production implodes

A loss of one-third of the ability to domestically produce fresh produce is not merely a food inflation nightmare; it's also a food security crisis. It would require the importing of more food from places where agricultural chemicals can be readily used even if they've been banned in America.

It's perfectly legal for a food grower south of the border to use a toxic chemical pesticide or herbicide that's been banned in the United States. Because the FDA rarely tests imported foods for banned agricultural chemicals, it is extremely unlikely that such foods would be barred from importation. While California enforces relatively strict agricultural guidelines and produces relatively clean food, as its water supply collapses, we'll all be forced to deal with more chemically contaminated foods brought in from other countries. (This is yet another reason to learn how to grow your own.)

A collapse of food production potential in California will also cause a huge crisis in the agricultural labor market. Hundreds of thousands of agricultural workers keep California's farms humming along, but if those workers suddenly find there's no work (because of the water supply collapse), they will either migrate to other areas where work is available or turn to the State of California for financial support. This would place an enormous additional financial burden on the state at exactly the same time its agricultural exports are plummeting.

No matter how it plays out in California, fresh produce is about to get a whole lot more expensive across America. Because of this, interest in home food production is set to explode.

The economics just make sense: Even if fresh produce doubles in price at the grocery store, your cost to produce the same fresh produce at home doesn't go up at all. If you have water, sunshine and seeds, you can grow an enormous variety of fruits, vegetables and medicines using simple, self-watering systems like the Non-Circulating Hydroponics system unveiled at .

In fact, one of the big trends I see that's about to explode across America is commercial hydroponic food production using LED grow lights and indoor grow environments. The economics of such operations make sense right now, and they'll be even more profitable in the near future as conventional food production falters due to drought and weather radicalization.


Remember: Cheap water results in low-cost food. But when the cheap water runs out, the food becomes more expensive, creating opportunities for more high-cost food production systems to compete in the marketplace.

Finally, also remember this: The price you paid for food at the grocery store YESTERDAY is the lowest price you will likely ever see.

If you want to learn how to grow beautiful, nutrient-rich Romaine lettuce bunches for about 10 cents each -- using NO electricity and very little water -- learn more at

‘Jihadi John’ apologizes to his family

‘Jihadi John’ apologizes to his family

Mohammed Emwazi has apologized to his family for the shame he has heaped on them after being unmasked as the ISIS butcher from Britain known as Jihadi John.
The Sunday Times of London reports that Emwazi, 26, a British computer science graduate, had conveyed his message of regret from Syria via a third party.
He is said to be sorry for the “problems and trouble the revelation of his identity has caused” for his parents and siblings, according to an informed source.
However, Emwazi has not expressed any remorse for his barbaric actions, which have included the on-camera beheadings of a number of Western hostages.
The Londoner’s family, originally from Kuwait, have been forced into hiding after Emwazi was identified as Jihadi John 10 days ago.

Obama Adviser Behind Leak of Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal

It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy.
President Obama’s senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.
But she did so through people outside the ­administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.
In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.
Six separate probes into Hillary’s performance have been ­going on at the State Department. I’m told that the email scandal was timed to come out just as Hillary was on the verge of formally announcing that she was running for president — and that there’s more to come.
Members of Bill Clinton’s camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious.
Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president.
 - Source
“My contacts and friends in newspapers and TV tell me that they’ve been contacted by the White House and offered all kinds of negative stories about us,” one of Bill’s friends quotes him as saying. “The Obamas are behind the email story, and they’re spreading rumors that I’ve been with women, that Hillary promoted people at the State Department who’d done favors for our foundation, that John Kerry had to clean up diplomatic messes Hillary left behind.”
Then, according to this source, Bill added: “The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”
The sabotage is part of an ­ongoing feud between the two Democrat powerhouses.
Last fall, during the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections, Jarrett was heard to complain bitterly that the Clintons were turning congressmen, senators, governors and grassroots party members against Obama by portraying him as an unpopular president who was an albatross around the neck of the party.
Jarrett was said to be livid that most Democrats running for election refused to be seen campaigning with the president. She blamed the Clintons for marginalizing the president and for trying to wrest control of the Democratic Party away from Obama.
And she vowed payback.
My sources say Jarrett saw an opportunity to hit back hard when Monica Lewinsky suddenly resurfaced after years of living in obscurity. Jarrett discreetly put out word to some friendly members of the press that the White House would look with favor if they gave Monica some ink and airtime.
Relations have gotten even frostier in the past few months.
After the Democrats took a shellacking in the midterms, the White House scheduled a meeting with Hillary Clinton. When she showed up in the Oval Office, she was greeted by three people — the president, Jarrett and Michelle Obama.
With his wife and Jarrett looking on, Obama made it clear that he intended to stay neutral in the presidential primary process — a clear signal that he wouldn’t mind if someone challenged Hillary for the nomination.
“Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president,” a source close to the White House told me. “They believe that Hillary, like her husband, is left of center, not a true-blue liberal.”
If she gets into the White House, they believe she will compromise with the Republicans in Congress and undo Obama’s legacy.
“With Obama’s approval,” this source continued, “Valerie has been holding secret meetings with Martin O’Malley [the Democratic former governor of Maryland] and [Massachusetts Sen.] Elizabeth Warren. She’s promised O’Malley and Warren the full support of the White House if they will challenge Hillary for the presidential nomination.”