Thursday, July 23, 2015

An American With a Remington

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

UN’s Biometric Refugee ID Rollout Starts in Thailand

 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has completed its rollout of a biometric identification system for refugees in Thailand. The system has now provided identification for almost 110,000 refugees, including many from Myanmar. 

'Hackers' give orders to German missile battery

Bundeswehr soldiers operating a Patriot missile launcher. Photo: DPA
German-owned Patriot missiles stationed in Turkey were briefly taken over by hackers, according to media reports on Tuesday.
The attack took place on anti-aircraft ‘Patriot’ missiles on the Syrian border. The American-made weapons had been stationed there by the Bundeswehr (German army) to protect Nato ally Turkey.

According to the civil service magazine, the missile system carried out “unexplained” orders. It was not immediately clear when these orders were carried out and what they were.

SEE ALSO: Hackers ruin Bundestag computer network

The magazine speculates about two weak spots in the missile system which could be exploited by hackers.

One such weakness is the Sensor-Shooter-Interoperability (SSI) which exchanges real time information between the missile launcher and its control system.

The second exposed point is a computer chip which controls the guidance of the weapon.

Attackers might have gained access in two different ways, one that takes over the operating of the missile system and one that steals data from it.

The patriot missile has been in service in the US army since 1984 and was first used in operation in the first Gulf war in 1991.

In 2012 Turkey asked that its Nato partners support it by stationing Patriot missile systems there, after the civil war in Syria drew closer to its southern border.

In June 2015 Germany announced that it would replace its Patriot missiles with MEADS, an air defence system designed in cooperation with the USA and Italy.

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Judicial Watch: Lois Lerner, DOJ Officials, and FBI Met to Plan Criminal Charges for Obama Opponents

Lois Lerner / AP
Lois Lerner / AP

Newly obtained documents from the conservative educational foundation Judicial Watch detail an official memo from October 2010 of a meeting between Lois Lerner and officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI to plan for the prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations.
A lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act produced the documents which included the memo as well as revelations that the Justice Department wanted IRS employees to turn over sensitive documents before giving them to Congress, Judicial Watch said in a press release Tuesday.
In a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, Issa said “this revelation likely means that the IRS—including possibly Lois Lerner—violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”
An IRS document confirms that the organization supplied the FBI with 21 computer disks containing 1.25 million pages of confidential information from more than 113,000 tax returns.
“The FBI and Justice Department worked with Lois Lerner and the IRS to concoct some reason to put President Obama’s opponents in jail before his reelection, and this abuse resulted in the FBI’s illegally obtaining confidential taxpayer information,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in the release.
Lerner, a former IRS official, was at the center of past allegations that the agency had targeted conservative groups applying for 501(c)(4) nonprofit status. More than 6,000 Lerner emails thought to be lost were turned over to the Senate Finance Committee in April.
The new documents shed light on the relationship between various agencies in the Obama administration and their plans to gain access to unredacted documents forbidden under federal tax law, according to Judicial Watch.
The memo followed an Oct. 8 meeting with representatives from the Justice Department and “one representative from the FBI” to discuss the prosecution of nonprofit organizations for alleged political activities.
“How can the Justice Department and FBI investigate the very scandal in which they are implicated?” Fitton said in the release.
In his letter to Koskinen, Issa asked why information about the 1.25 million pages was withheld from the committee for a year. He also requested all documents relating to the information transfer between the IRS, the Justice Department, and the FBI.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Pentagon Urges Patience from Senate on War Strategy

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter talks with Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., before a hearing on counter-Islamic State strategy, July 7, 2015.

Joe Gromelski/Stars and Stripes
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday asked the Senate for more patience and support for a train-and-equip program against the Islamic State, despite much lower than expected turnout.
Only 60 moderate Syrian fighters have been trained this year, but recent gains in the country by U.S.-backed militias show the strategy can work, Carter told skeptical senators on the Armed Services Committee. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., committee chairman, called claims about success delusional.
Carter and Joint Chiefs Gen. Martin Dempsey came to Capitol Hill to make the administration case for the current war strategy a day after President Barack Obama underscored the importance of training ground forces and allied militias on a rare trip to the Pentagon. The administration had a strategy meeting on the often uneven, year-old Islamic State offensive.
“It is going to take some time to get the numbers up to the point where they can have an effect,” Carter told senators.
The U.S. has waged thousands of airstrikes since it began bombing in Iraq and Syria in August, but its other key strategy of training allied ground forces has gone much slower than anticipated.
The Pentagon estimated it could train about 5,000 moderate Syrian fighters this year.
Carter called 60 Syrians trained “not impressive” and he blamed the low turnout on the rigorous vetting process. Among other requirements, the Pentagon cannot train any fighters who have been involved in atrocities or would create a risk of “green-on-blue” insider attacks on other allied forces.
Carter said he has been given assurances that the number of trainees will grow but provided no future estimates.
In Iraq, 450 more personnel were deployed in recent weeks to Taqaddum air base to train Sunni tribal recruits for the war effort and advise the country’s security forces. The U.S. has trained about 10,500 Iraqi army and counter-terrorism troops, though it had hoped to train 24,000 by this fall.
In recent weeks, U.S. airstrikes have helped the Kurds, along with Arab militias, reclaim the border town of Tal Abyad from the hardline fighters, cut supply lines and put pressure on the group in its power center of Raqqa province in Syria, according to the Pentagon.
Carter said that the Kurdish successes in Syria show the U.S. approach can work with a dependable ground force, and that the train-and-equip programs to fight the Islamic State must be strengthened.
“Those examples demonstrate, again, that where we have had a credible ground force working in a coordinated way with the coalition air campaign, ISIL has suffered,” Carter said, using an alternate name for the Islamic State.
McCain said the president’s claims that the United States has taken out fighters and pushed the group from its territory recently is correct but irrelevant, because the group has expanded overall in Iraq and Syria, and become more influential in the Middle East, Africa and central Asia over the past year.
“When it comes to ISIL, President Obama’s comments yesterday at the Pentagon reveal the disturbing degree of self-delusion that characterizes the administration’s thinking,” McCain said.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said the slow pace of training is not the central problem of the U.S. strategy; it is a lack of confidence among the Iraqi forces that makes them unwilling to fight.
“We have been training them for nearly a decade,” he said, referring to the billions of dollars the U.S. spent between 2003-2011 to build  the security forces.
Sessions criticized the Obama administration for not deploying special operators and troops to the battlefield to advise the Iraqis and guide airstrikes — and pressed Dempsey on whether such a move could swing the war effort.
Dempsey has said since last year he would considered sending ground forces if needed, but he has deemed them unnecessary. He said Tuesday that the environment is not right for ground forces and the only “silver bullet” is getting Iraqis to fight on their own.
“I agree there are points on the battlefield where embedded forces … would make them more capable,” Dempsey said. “I can tell you I have not recommended it.”

Monday, July 6, 2015

Entire County Clerk’s Office Resigns… Refuse To Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses


Bigotry big·ot·ry ˈbiɡətrē/ noun—Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself…

Isn’t this what we are seeing towards anyone who holds Christian values? I actually applaud their decision to voluntarily leave the work force. These folks recognize that their religious beliefs make them unsuitable for the job but is it fair that Christian people should have to make a choice that will directly effect their lives in such a negative way?

No same-sex marriage licenses are being issued in Decatur County, Tennessee, because the entire county clerk’s office has resigned following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Decatur County Clerk Gwen Pope explained her decision to quit her elected post. “It’s for the glory of God. He’s going to get all the glory,” she told WBIR. Pope asserted she would rather resign than submit to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She and her two staff members, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler, have all quit for the same reason. Their last day of work is July 14.

These three ladies stood upon their beliefs and they stood upon their morals and no one can fault them,” said Scott King, a Decatur County resident. “Too often we as Christians don’t do that. It’s time we followed the lead of what they showed us.”

Instead of forcing others to rearrange their lives around their beliefs Christians were taught that in order to follow Jesus, they must … “take up your cross and follow me” (Matt. 16:24), not force others to carry their burden. That being said should others beliefs be forced upon them? I say no! It is a double standard that our government and other groups forget and leave out of their arguments, equal rights and freedom are a two way street. 
Until people learn to respect Christian values why should they expect any respect in return?

Sunday, July 5, 2015

ALERT: The Eight Steps Leading To The Coming American Holocaust


Are we headed for an American holocaust? With everything turned upside down and everyone pitted against each other, I believe so. Call me crazy or a tinfoil hat wearing fool, but the things going on right under our noses says otherwise.

I will list some steps to show the citizens it is inevitable. Gregory H. Stanton revealed a briefing paper, in 1996, to the State Department. It included the eight steps of genocide and said it is a process that is predictable. Our worthless administration already has the country divided and on the verge of another civil war, and it was his intentions all along, in my opinion.
Stage One: Classification
Stanton asserts that all cultures categorize people into “us and them” groups. The divisions are often made by using the variables of ethnicity, race, religion and nationality. America is in the process of giving back the progress made by such pioneers as Martin Luther King. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans are increasingly polarizing away from the common theme that we are all God’s children in which most of us share our unique American heritage.
Stage Two: Symbolization
Sociologists and anthropologists tell us that classification and symbolization are universally common to every society. However, it is reaching alarming levels in contemporary America.
Thanks to the race baiting efforts of people like Eric Holder and the current President, the races are further apart than ever before. For example, we hear phrases which serve to differentiate individuals. For example, I see reference to terms such as the “African-American community, or the Latino Community, or the Asian Community.” It is never the “White community” because that would be considered to be racist. We are Americans who have roots in other countries or regions of the world. But we are Americans first and foremost. We should all be proud of our heritage, but our pride in our background should not replace what we are today which should be an identification that we are Americans bound the respect of all individuals and a desire to protect each other’s freedoms. When we consciously divide ourselves along our divisions of background, we defeat what it is to be an American and we lose our sense of national unity and this is what the globalists desire as they topple this country. America has entered into the hyphenated race wars courtesy of the globalists and their controlled politicians and media. These practices successfully seek to keep us distracted, keep us divided by destroying our sense of nationalism, through this artificial symbolism, and the day will come when all of us hyphenated people will never know what has hit us and we will unfortunately lack the common identity to band together against the forces that seek to enslave us and that day is now at our doorstep.
Stage Three: Dehumanization
Today the list of dehumanized individuals has increased a 1000 fold as DHS’s MIAC Reportand the recent DHS intelligence briefings are dehumanizing and labeling veterans, former Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists, Bible-believing Christians and Libertarians as domestic terrorists. In other words, if you are just a regular American, you are a terrorist in the eyes of the globalist bankers who have hijacked this nation.
In fact, the above mentioned groups are not Americans, DHS is labeling them as sovereign citizens who lurk around every corner ready to set off a deadly biological, chemical or nuclear attack. This is total dehumanization.

ALERT: Obama Puts U.S. Troops On Eating, Drinking Restrictions During Ramadan…

This is totally outrageous…

More Obama madness that no one seems to care about or report on. US soldiers have been put on drinking and eating restrictions in Southeast Asia during Ramadan… Are you fricking kidding me? 

The Weekly Standard reported:
A top commander in southwest Asia reminded U.S military personnel stationed in Muslim countries in the Middle East of the restrictions placed on them during Ramadan. According to a report by the U.S. Air Forces Central Command Public Affairs, Brig. Gen. John Quintas, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing commander in Southwest Asia, said that the U.S. is “committed to the concepts of tolerance, freedom and diversity.” But he added that soldiers should “become more informed and appreciative of the traditions and history of the people in this region of the world… [R]emember we are guests here and that the host nation is our shoulder-to-shoulder, brothers and sisters in arms, risking their lives for our common cause to defeat terrorism.”
During the 30-day religious celebration of Ramadan, even non-Muslims are expected to obey local laws regarding eating, drinking, and using tobacco in public. Violators can be fined up to $685 or receive two months in jail. A spokesperson for United States Central Command [CENTCOM] said that “we are not aware of any specific instances of anyone being arrested” for such violations.
For military personnel outside of U.S.-controlled areas, the only exceptions for the rules are for those “performing strenuous labor.” Such personnel are “authorized to drink and consume as much food as they need to maintain proper hydration and energy.” It is unclear what constitutes “strenuous labor” or whether additional exceptions might be made during a heatwave affecting some areas of the region that has taken hundreds of lives.
So let’s get this straight. When our military is helping other countries they are ordered to respect their garbage traditions but when the Muslims or others are here washing their stinking feet in our sinks or suing us for discrimination etc we just kiss their asses? This is just totally outrageous- I truthfully feel that things here are just about at the boiling point. I hope I am wrong but I have never seen America in this shape my entire life, but what do you expect when you ‘elect’ a NWO puppet racist Muslim as the POTUS? Fricking idiots…

Friday, July 3, 2015

Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up

Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up

To hide form the public the most terrible warning hidden in the last chapters in the Holy Bible
This ancient prophecy is coded within the visions of 4 men
Chosen to give a very precise and terrifying warning of things to come in the end times…
One single event so devastating it could wipe out 293 million Americans
An event that will happen before the 1st of January 2017…
And you are about to discover the chilling evidence of the prophecy coming true
Step by step…
But first you need to know just who I am for making such shocking statements…My name is Nathan Shepard
I have been a fervent Christian ever since I was a child… I have pursued a career in Archeology and theology…
And have dedicated my life to studying the ancient Scriptures…
After 30 years of painstaking studies the clues hidden in the words of the prophets of our Lord become evident…
And it all started with a simple question:
Does it not seem odd to you that America, the greatest nation on Earth, the greatest evangelical nation, the richest and the most powerful country today IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE?
After all, as we know, the Bible accurately predicts so many other historical events:
The two world wars, man reaching outer space and the return of the Jews to their homeland after centuries of living without a country…

sed2  sed3
sed4  sed5

All of these events were accurate predicted by the prophets
The key to understanding the holy texts of the Bible is deciphering its metaphors and symbolism
Because the prophets talk of future things using simple words that existed in the period they were written in…
So when the prophets tried to describe air craft in their visions the description would be: “mount up to heaven
Referring to air travel and the air force…
sed6  sed7
Just like “it will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” is clearly a metaphor for reaching space
It is no coincidence that both of these metaphors refer to a nation known as Mystery Babylon
Mystery Babylon is an end times nation… how else would it be able to have an air force and reach space…
And it is described in great detail by John the Apostle in the Book of Revelation, the prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah
What else is written in the Bible say about Babylon:

Babylon is called by the prophets a “Queen among nations” and “The lady of kingdoms”. (Isa 47:5,7);
It is the youngest and only superpower in the world, (Jeremiah 47, Rev 18).
Babylon is a democracy weighed down by its huge government: “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels.” Isaiah (47:13)
Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste: “Because thou hast destroyed thy land” (Isa 14:20) “I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand” (Isaiah 47:6 )
sed9 sed8

Ask yourself this: how could an early day prophet know about pollution since there was not such thing in ancient times?
Babylon has the most powerful military force on the planet and is called “the hammer of the whole earth”( Jeremiah 50,23)
The merchants of the world are made rich through trading with this nation: “And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” (Rev. 18:3)

Is it starting to look like they are talking about The United States of America?