Friday, July 3, 2015

Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up

Our church and government are engaged in a massive cover up

To hide form the public the most terrible warning hidden in the last chapters in the Holy Bible
This ancient prophecy is coded within the visions of 4 men
Chosen to give a very precise and terrifying warning of things to come in the end times…
One single event so devastating it could wipe out 293 million Americans
An event that will happen before the 1st of January 2017…
And you are about to discover the chilling evidence of the prophecy coming true
Step by step…
But first you need to know just who I am for making such shocking statements…My name is Nathan Shepard
I have been a fervent Christian ever since I was a child… I have pursued a career in Archeology and theology…
And have dedicated my life to studying the ancient Scriptures…
After 30 years of painstaking studies the clues hidden in the words of the prophets of our Lord become evident…
And it all started with a simple question:
Does it not seem odd to you that America, the greatest nation on Earth, the greatest evangelical nation, the richest and the most powerful country today IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE?
After all, as we know, the Bible accurately predicts so many other historical events:
The two world wars, man reaching outer space and the return of the Jews to their homeland after centuries of living without a country…

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All of these events were accurate predicted by the prophets
The key to understanding the holy texts of the Bible is deciphering its metaphors and symbolism
Because the prophets talk of future things using simple words that existed in the period they were written in…
So when the prophets tried to describe air craft in their visions the description would be: “mount up to heaven
Referring to air travel and the air force…
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Just like “it will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” is clearly a metaphor for reaching space
It is no coincidence that both of these metaphors refer to a nation known as Mystery Babylon
Mystery Babylon is an end times nation… how else would it be able to have an air force and reach space…
And it is described in great detail by John the Apostle in the Book of Revelation, the prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah
What else is written in the Bible say about Babylon:

Babylon is called by the prophets a “Queen among nations” and “The lady of kingdoms”. (Isa 47:5,7);
It is the youngest and only superpower in the world, (Jeremiah 47, Rev 18).
Babylon is a democracy weighed down by its huge government: “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels.” Isaiah (47:13)
Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste: “Because thou hast destroyed thy land” (Isa 14:20) “I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand” (Isaiah 47:6 )
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Ask yourself this: how could an early day prophet know about pollution since there was not such thing in ancient times?
Babylon has the most powerful military force on the planet and is called “the hammer of the whole earth”( Jeremiah 50,23)
The merchants of the world are made rich through trading with this nation: “And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” (Rev. 18:3)

Is it starting to look like they are talking about The United States of America?


It does and its descriptions get even more specific from now on:

Babylon is praised in the entire world:
“How is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!” (Jeremiah 51:47)
This nation is a coastal nation, with deep-water ports and much international trade:
“O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures ” (Jeremiah 51:13)
Babylon a unique and remarkable beginning, different from other nations and has been awe-inspiring from its conception (Isaiah 18:2):
The US is the first country to successfully become independent form a colonial Empire- the British Empire. We share the English language and we are the descendants of the first British colonies…That is why England is like a mother to the US. It fits perfectly with the description in Jeremiah 50:12. More so, the mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Ezekiel 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12)… The royal symbol of England is a lion.
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And the mother of Babylon, in the end times, will be a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 50:12).The British Empire that ruled the Earth for 200 years is no more.All of its colonies are independent. The British pound is no longer the world reserve currency… it has been replaced by the dollar… the currency of its daughter.
And as the prophets foretold, Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end.

“Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; “(Isaiah 17:7-8)

“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow “(Rev 18:7)
Does it sound like American Exceptionalism?

Even the name Mystery Babylon is also deeply symbolic… it’s a “mystery” because the prophets, at the time of the visions, didn’t know of the existence of the North American Continent. They literally had no idea what they were actually seeing and described it as best they could.
And in ancient times, Babylon was the greatest city in the world just like the US is the greatest country in the world today. Ancient Babylon was constructed by people that came from all parts of the ancient world. What we may call today immigrants… just like the United States
This is, again, very, very precise.

What about the personification of Babylon in the Scriptures as a woman – the prophets use the word “her”?
This is another very precise clue given to us through metaphors and symbolism that are so abundant in the Holly Book. The prophets are talking about the most widely known symbol of America a woman symbolizing liberty that sits in the harbor of the most important city
in the United States.
So why on Earth are they also calling it the whore of Babylon?
The sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Auguste Bertholdi a mason belonging to the great Masonic Lodge in Paris.
Before beginning the statue of liberty project, Bertholdi was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess of fertility "Isis” as it was known to the Egyptians or “Ishtar” to the ancient Babylonians.
The Romans also adopted this fertility goddess but they changed the name to Libertas in Latin, (Liberty, in English). Libertas is the mythological equivalent of Isis and Ishtar.
Survive the end days5 (script exitpage)Therefore, the Statue of Liberty is also the statue of Isis or as the Babylonians called her, Ishtar… the goddess of fertility, love and… sex.
According to the ancient pagan rituals, one could only be purified of sin after intercourse with a temple priest or priestess of Ishtar. In return for this salvation a ”gift offering” was needed. Ishtar was the “patron-mother” of the temple priestesses and priests… She was the “mother” of what we would call today prostitution… This is why Ishtar was seen by early Christian as the whore of Babylon… and that is why the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of America is called by the prophets as the Whore of Babylon.
Do you think it is just a coincidence that the US, the home of the greatest and most famous statue of Ishtar provides 65% of pornographic movies and adult entrainment to the world? Is it just another coincidence that this is the country where sexually liberation originated and spread to the rest of the world?
It’s not. It’s just like the scriptures foretold: It’s not. It’s just like the scriptures foretold:
Rev 18:3:” For all nations have drunk  of the wine of the wrath of her fornication
The last clue is the description of Babylon as the Daughter of Chaldea. This too has profound symbolism rooted in geography and the rise of the United States.
Chaldea is a region in the Middle East mostly inhabited by Semitic tribes during the time of the prophets.
Out of the family of Semitic tribes the most powerful and influential one today is represented by the Jews or Israelites.
According to scripture, Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who left the Holly Land (Jeremiah 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45, Isaiah 48:20 and also Revelation 18:4). Today, the largest population of Jewish people is found in the United States
Furthermore, 48% of American billionaires are Jewish and have made their wealth in the US contributing to its rise as the world’s only super power. You might recognize some of the names on this list:
The daughter of the Chaldeans, the nation that the Jewish people helped rise to superpower status is the United States of America.
All of the biblical clues point in one direction: The US has the most powerful economy and military, controls worldwide commerce, is proud and arrogant, has the most developed air force and space program and it is the envy of the world. It houses the “whore of Babylon”, it is the daughter of the British Empire and the child of the Chaldeans…

And unfortunately for every living American… Mystery Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:54
“Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.[…]
A sound of a cry cometh from Babylon, and great destruction from the land of the
Revelation 18:8
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”

Jeremiah 50:46
“At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations.”
Isaiah 47:5
“Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms.”

All three prophets tell of the fall of Babylon… the destruction of the United States
of America as we know it…

This is not an event that happened to ancient Babylon in the past…
History has never recorded the fall of a state or a city in the way described by the prophets
And just like all the other events accurately predicted by the Bible: the two world wars, the rise and fall of communism and the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and so many others…
This too will happen…
The only questions left to ask are: who will cause its fall, when and how…

Who will destroy Babylon America?

Isaiah 13:5
“They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land”.
Jeremiah 50:3
“For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate”.
Jeremiah 50:9
“For, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country:
Draw a straight line north of the US through the Arctic (the end of heaven) and you will find the answer: 

Russia is the great enemy of Babylon, the enemy destined to destroy it.

The Holly scripture is again very precise: Even though it has been written centuries before the US or Russia became world powers it clearly describes both countries that are prophesized to start World War 3.
And at the start of the WW3 Russia will use a very special weapon, “the weapon of indignation” against the whole territory of the US, and then lead the invasion of a great assembly of nations.
Now that we know who is responsible the next logical question is when this will happen
As you have seen before, we are going through the Biblical end times…
Babylon America has fulfilled the prophecies that foretold its coming… and now, according to the Bible, it will meet its demise…
The clues about when the great disaster shall befall it are hidden in the book of
Daniel, another major biblical prophet.
In Chapter 11:40 of his prophecies describes a great war fought by two kings at the end times
One from the north and one from the south.
So if we could connect these two kings to two current world leaders,
We would know how close we are to the destruction of Babylon
The key to understanding the clue of the two kings is the position of Jerusalem because this is where Daniel had his revelations.
putinTo the north of Jerusalem is Moscow, birth place of Vladimir Putin.
What else does the prophecy say about the King of the north?
(Daniel 11:36): “And the king shall do according to his will”: Putin does what he wants. He controls the military and the economy of Russia.
(Daniel 11:37): “Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”.
The fact that gods is not written with a capital letter is a clear clue to what exactly the prophet is referring to: Communism – the gods of the communists are Lenin, Marx, Stalin who have been ruled Russia for over 80 years.
They were practically worshipped by the Russian people and statues and pictures of them were everywhere across the USSR.
But, as prophecy foretold, Putin distanced himself from communism and denounced it flaws and sins against Russia and the Russian people.
He shall magnify himself above all”. Russian media portrays Putin as a huntsman, judo expert, chess master, brilliant politician and diplomat, pilot and overall strong man, above the former communist leaders in every way.
Daniel (11:38) “But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces
Russian military spending has exploded since Putin came to power… this is how he honors the God of forces:
There it is: Vladimir Putin is undoubtedly the king of the north that will guide Russia in the end times.
obamaBut what about the king of the South?
Geographically, he has to be born in the south of Jerusalem:
Barack Obama was born either in Hawaii or Kenya, depending on who you want to believe… Both of which are to the south of Jerusalem.
But what does the prophet say about him?
(Daniel 11:14)”And in those times there
shall many stand up against the king of the
”. Never in our history have so many people disagreed with US policies or hated the United States: Russia, China, North Korea, a big part of the Muslim
world including Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the list goes on and on.
Remember the assembly of great nations that invade America?
These clues prove that Obama is the king of the south as the prophecies foretold.
So if Barak Obama and Vladimir Putin are the kings of prophecy than their war must start before they leave office…

That means January 2017…

The End of Babylon is very, very near and we are directly on course for this prophecy to be fulfilled…
And Obama is playing his part to the letter:
(Daniel 11:40) “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him
these words are coming true as we speak…
map2In August after a Russian intervention, an uneasy cease-fire was reached that lasted until January 2015.
Aftermath: Putin has lost one of its key allies in the region. Although it annexed Crimea Russia is now in an undeclared war with its eastern neighbor. Even more alarmingly, a massive amount of NATO hardware has been sent to Russia’s border.
Russia itself
Project Star wars, a missile defense shield is being set up in Europe and the US as we speak. Officially its target is Iran but the real target is Russian nuclear weapons capability. And Putin knows this too well….
The Ukraine conflict saw the western powers led by Obama imposing drastic economic sanctions on Russian banking and energy sectors, key parts of Russian economy.
Interestingly, economic sanctions have preceded every US war in the 21st Century.
Russian oil exports were the target of a secret deal signed between Obama and Saudi Arabia that caused the price of oil to dive form $100 a barrel to close to $40.
The Russia is dependent on oil exports as 40% of its budget comes from it.
That is why the Russian ruble (the Russian currency) has lost 50% of its value since the August 2014. That means that for people in Russia can only buy half the stuff they used to afford. Once poverty starts kicking in, the Russians will want blood and Putin will be left with very few options…

Because when Russia falls apart, war will be the only option…

And the king of the north knows this too well
You are now witnessing the last months, maybe weeks before the Russian attack that destroys Mystery Babylon… Obama’s America.
The Bible tells us all about the Russian attack…
And most importantly, Putin’s “weapon of indignation”
A weapon unlike anything the world has ever seen before:
This weapon can hit an entire country “How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! “(Jeremiah 50:22, 23)
This weapon makes the US Military unable to respond, broken because of what looks like equipment malfunction:
How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed;” (Jeremiah 51:30).
Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken” (Jeremiah 51:56)
And this weapon leaves Babylon silent and in darkness:
Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms (Isaiah 47:5)
There is only one weapon that can affect an entire continent, leave the military unable to defend itself and plunge America into silence and darkness…
Vladimir Putin’s Weapon of indignation is an Electro Magnetic Pulse
An EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse is an electro-magnetic discharge that fries sensitive circuits... within minutes... even seconds...
Think of a normal black-out when you don't have any lights, heating, or internet... only an EMP black-out is permanent and on a larger scale... this means you can also say goodbye to telecommunications, transportation and even utilities… Silence and darkness!
Military command and control as well as most of the high tech equipment is very vulnerable to an EMP. One blast will reduce our army to fighting using weapons that existed before the 1900s…
This weapon fulfills Bible prophecy to the letter: it’s swift, has a huge area of affect, knocks out our military (breaks the hammer of the earth) and sets the stage for the assembly of nations to invade…
Because when the sense America is down they will come to take her riches
Are there any other reasons to use an EMP and not nuclear weapons?
Well… first of all, the Bible prophesized an invasion of Babylon from the northern alliance… if you are going to nuke a place to hell there is no point in invading it afterwards
Also Putin needs a decisive action but not one that would condemn him in front of the rest of the world.
He needs to persuade our enemies that we are weak and ready for the taking…
…and that is why he will use the weapon of indignation as the prophecies foretold

And All It Takes Is Not 100... Not Even 50... But Just 1 Warhead To Be Detonated Above The U.S.... And The Effects Would Be Irreversible

HEMP stands for High-Altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse.
It's an EMP device that can be strategically detonated at an altitude of 20 miles above the surface of our country that will permanently cripple our power grid… and plunge America into silence and darkness
The real danger of an EMP is it could happen without any signs or warnings...
And the king of the north was drilled his soldiers to do exactly that:
There have never been so many nuclear drills exercises targeting the US in recent history
Putin is preparing to fulfill his role according to the Holly Book

The effects of the EMP will destroy America as we know it… looters, famine, civil unrest….and finally the foreign invasion

Exactly as the Scriptures predicted:
Revelation 18:8
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be burned with fire”.
Without hospitals or pharmacies being able to function people won't be able to take their necessary medication.
Pandemics and disease will break out caused by no waste pumping or garbage collecting and lack of any basic personal hygiene
As the supply of food breaks down famine starts setting in…and with it looting and food riots…
Some Americans riot on black Friday over a toaster... can you imagine what would happen during an EMP when all the power is out?
FEMA, law enforcement and other state agencies will be overwhelmed… firefighters will be unable to react as their equipment will not work… fires will break out and the cities “shall be burned with fire”.
And after the nation destroys itself from within and without our network of communication, most Americans will have no idea the invasion has begun…
This is how the prophets describe the coming invasion:
Jeremiah (50:2,14,15)
“Babylon is taken, all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows”
“she hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down”:
Daniel (40:11)
“and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships;”.
Jeremiah (51:3,4)
and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host. Thus the slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans, and they that are thrust through in her streets”.
The visions detail the level of devastation this unstoppable invasion will bring…
Unfortunately, all of this is inevitable… the word and will of Our Lord will be fulfilled to the letter…
As chilling as this prophecy and warning is, you should not despair and loose faith. Our Lord will take care of His faithful…

There is still hope …

As Our Lord says through his prophets:

But the one who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13)
Besides this you know the time, which the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed (Romans 13:11).
Our Lord has insured that the ones who believe his word will survive the coming storm.
That's why you need to start preparing for the weapon of indignation and the terrible invasion to follow
Only the ones who have been prepared will witness the Glory of the His Second Coming and be granted eternal Salvation
That's why I'm telling you all of this. You have to put yourself and your family first... because nobody else will...
I have spent hours in libraries reading books... I watched all the documentaries and interviews I could find... I looked for courses... I talked to all the survival experts I know... I even tried contacting NASA... but I got nothing...
All the while the answers have been right in front of me:
There are people in the US who follow the word of God and live by it…
Our Lord and Savior will protect His faithful,
And they will continue their lives as they have lived before the fall of Babylon…
Because the Amish are a very unusual religious community.
They live simple lives and maintain traditions that go back over 300 years. They grow their own food for their families.

They barely use any electricity, and when they do it's off the grid.

From them we can learn to survive, thrive and build a community in a post-EMP world... because the Amish are the closest thing to that….
That is why after seeing the Revelations of God sent to us by his prophets I have lived for two years in the Amish community.
Unfortunately I could not make video or audio recordings of their way of life as any modern technology is forbidden there. But I was allowed to take notes that describe in vivid details the Amish way of life.
I have discovered ways to keep food from spoiling without a fridge, and a secret the Amish use to store heat-sensitive medicine...
And surprising places where you can find drinkable water, enough to sustain your family for months... even if you live in an arid region.
I learned how anyone (and this includes seniors and kids) can survive without electricity... the only condition is they need to know what to do when the power goes out.
Sure, it wouldn't be a luxurious life or even a comfortable life at first... but your family, your loved ones and even your entire community can stay ALIVE.

They have the true Biblical Solution to the Coming Disaster….

Here's The Good News:

I realized that this information had to be available to every family out there.
Therefore I wrote a special program based on the teachings of the Amish to prepare anyone for the coming war and the great tribulations to follow
This program is designed to help fellow patriots and Christians cope with everything the king of the north throws at us
This will be the TOUGHEST survival situations you will ever face… and knowledge, preparation and faith in the teachings of Our Lord and the people who follow his word are the only things that will get you through.
And I have named this survival package "Survive the End Days".

Get The Complete Survive The End Days Pack
This program is designed to help you and your loved ones survive the weapon of indignation and the aftermath of the invasion…
It shows you not just how to survive... but also how to flourish after an EMP hits Babylon America...
Remember, this disaster will hit before the start of 2017...
It will be sudden and devastating just like the Holy Scriptures predicted…
Who among us could have predicted 9/11? But unlike that tragedy, the Lord warned that this disaster is coming. He gave us the time and explained in great detail how the Fall of Babylon America will happen…
He gave us time to prepare
Those who are unprepared will suffer greatly because they did not listen to His words and follow His teachings…
As with all other prophecies that have come true, it's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when".
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7).

Here's a Preview of what you will get with the “Survive the end days” Program:

You'll discover how to assemble a simple device that will shield your electronics from the EMP... this device called a Faraday Cage is sold on the black market for $1499.. and I will show you how to assemble it by using common parts lying around in your kitchen in just 10 minutes of your time.
And I'll show you what 5 vital electronics you need to keep functioning you need after an EMP strike...missing out any one of these could mean you and your loved ones would be left without heat, or water during the coming catastrophe.
You'll discover how to prevent your food and medicine from spoiling with no power available for you fridge
There are 7 MUST-HAVE medicine supplies that can get you through any disaster and I will show you how much to store and where.
Most importantly I’ll show you how to keep your family hidden and safe when the HEMP strikes so that hungry and violent looters or the invaders won't even notice your presence.
I'll show you how to pick the perfect safe sport and proven home protection strategies and traps that are guaranteed to keep any looter out of your home.
How to make sure that your car still runs...even though EMP fries car engine circuits. When disaster strikes you will need to travel to the safest possible spot.
And believe it or not this is just a very brief summary of what this package includes...
And if you get "Survive the End Days" right now you'll also receive 2 free exclusive reports filled with tips and recommendations to help you survive the darkest scenarios possible for World war 3 and the End of days…
“How to Survive the Next Nuclear Attack” is a special report that features:

5 myths about a nuclear attack most people believe and how following common knowledge can get you killed
How to react in the first hours of a nuclear attack in order to minimize exposure to radiation. You will also learn how to cope with radiation sickness and help those around you how are suffering from it.
How to find clean water and recognize edible foods so you and your family will be well fed and safe during such an attack
How to turn your home into an atomic shelter using common and cheap items so you won’t have to leave the safety of your house and expose yourself to radiation
Psychological preparation so you and your loved ones can keep a clear mind and focus on surviving and thriving the apocalypse
All of this information will keep you safe while others will feel the full destructive power of the most powerful weapon in the Russian arsenal
The second report is called Chemical Wars Survival Guide and inside you will find:

The different types of chemical weapons and how to identify them: In the first moments of a chemical attack it is vital to identify what just hit you and how to minimize the effects on your body
How to create a survival plan for you and your family based on cutting edge military science. This will ensure everybody knows what to do and how to do it fast is this terrible scenario unfolds
How to create survival gear for chemical attacks using household items. This information is vital if you lack the right equipment and there is no time to get it.
The medicine you need to stock up in order to give first aid fast to victims of a chemical attack. This information has already saved countless lives in conflict zones where toxic gas has hit civilian areas.

Get The Complete Survive The End Days Pack
When you get "Survive the End Days" besides both of these bonuses you'll also be getting unlimited access to the members' area.
This is where I and my team of survival are ready to answer any questions at any time regarding your survival needs. We will be there to help you if you need any clarification on anything.
How much is it worth to you to be the only reliable man in your community, to be the only one who is independent when this great evil will come to the US?
To have the power to protect and save your family... even to rebuild your community during the End Times. Food, water, shelter. you'll have it…
How much is having this kind of information worth to you?
Think about all the stuff you spend money on. All your preparations, the food and water you store, the guns you own, the home security systems...
All of them can become useless in a matter of seconds after an EMP hits if you don't know exactly what to do.
I have spent over 16 months developing this one of a kind course... and that's not counting the years of research put in.
You'll never have to spend money on any prepping material anymore.
Just think about the amount of money you're spending just on food. The average stockpile for a family of 4 for only 3 months costs about $1900.
That's just 3 months... if you truly want to be secure you probably need a 7 year supply at least.
And it can all go to waste if you don't know the right thing to do. And it's not only about the money, think of all the time and effort you're putting into it.
You don't deserve to lose it all in the blink of an eye. You deserve to outlive the coming Apocalypse and be among those who witness the second coming of Our Lord and savior.
The information contained inside is much more useful than what some expert preppers charge for their knowledge…$500 at the minimum.
But I have dedicated this website to true patriots and Christians
It’s not about the money… money will become useless when Babylon America falls.
This website is my way of repenting for any sins I have committed in my life… That is why I only need the money to keep this website up and functional so this vital information gets to the people who need it and who truly believe in the sacred words of the Holy Scriptures… I want to make sure each and every one of them has a chance to survive the coming storm and that is why I’m offering the "Survive the End Days" program for the viewers of this presentation for only $37. The only way to get it is to click the "Get Access Now" button now.

Get The Complete Survive The End Days Pack
Keep in mind your purchase will keep this website running and help spread the knowledge of the coming catastrophe so that many more will be saved
For just $37 you will get the "Survive the End Days” program... And you'll know not only how to survive Putin’s weapon of indignation, the EMP... but also a food shortage, a mass pandemic violent riots and an enemy invasion all at the same time.
You can only get "Survive the End Days” program here if you click the "Get Access Now" button now. This course will not be available anywhere else and there's no way of telling how much longer this presentation is going to be up.
My mission throughout this presentation is simple. Let people know and get them to prepare.
As any good Christian I'm willing to take all the risk here and give you my "no questions asked money back guarantee" for a full 2 months.
Here's what it's about: Go through the course... read it, see if you find it helpful and send us any questions or any kind of advice you might have…
When you're done I want you to be 100% safe, secure and happy about your investment. If for any reason at all you want to get your money back... you will get them ASAP…. In as little as 48 hours… guaranteed.
You don't even have to answer any questions. Simply send me a quick email located in the member's area in the next 60 days and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Now that you know of the Holy Book’s prediction for America, you can’t just stand by and do nothing…
Throughout history all those who have not listened to the words of the Bible prophets, those who speak the true words of our Lord have suffered immensely…
This is a real solution based on Bible prophecy to a biblical disaster like the world has never seen.
And this program will allow you to keep calm, collected when the rest of the world panics...
When the rest of your neighbors are forced to barbecue all the meat they have in their'll know the secrets to store it so your family won't starve next week.
And of course, your family's going to have all the drinkable water you want... when others will die of dehydration or drinking dirty water... you'll have enough water to cook, drink and shower.
Plus, you'll discover simple techniques to keep you and your family protected against looters, criminals, and even the foreign invaders.

The Way I See It... You Have 3 Options:

You can hope this biblical prediction does not come true and do nothing... But as I have showed you the prophecy is being fulfilled word by word… and the Fall of Babylon America will happen before the 1st of January 2017…
After seeing all you have seen in this presentation, after seeing how the words of the prophets meet undeniable proof is this a chance any true Christian can take?
Listen, you have seen the proof of this prophecy coming true… I sorry I have to say this now but doubting the Holy Book is a sin in the eyes of our Lord… I must urge to start your preparations as soon as possible… doing nothing is the worst possible solution and I can only pray for those how choose this option…
Also, keep in mind that this documentary may not be here next time you click… what you have just seen is very real and dangerous… and the CIA, FEMA or any other state agency will ban this site on the spot if they find it…
Or you could try to prepare all by yourself. Go through months of research and painful planning… but as I have showed you this is time you do not have…
The prediction will come true before the 1st of January 2017… you don’t have any time to spare and the time to start preparing is NOW!
Or... you can get the "Survive the End Days" special program right now.
It's the only proven-to-work material out there. If you want your family to be secure... to have warmth, food, water and all the other things they need...
Then click the "Get Access Now" button and get this program now! Tomorrow may already be too late…

It’s time to make a choice:

In this presentation you've seen our inevitable future, as it was foretold by the Lord’s prophets…
And just how and when America will fall… everything you took for granted… your current lifestyle, the comforts of life and American Exceptionalism will be erased of the face of the earth…
World war 3 will hit by 2017…
And this is the only real solution for you and your loved ones…
"Survive the End Days" is available only if you click the "Get Access Now" button below right now.
Plus, you'll have a full year worth support from me and my team. And you are backed by my 60 Days 'No Questions' Money Back head.
Simply send me an email located in the member's area in the next 60 days and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Can you really afford to ignore all the prophecies that have come true…? The final prophecy for America is about to unfold…
Listen… you have seen how the words of the prophets of the end times come true… each sign is in the news…go check it out for yourself… and if you don’t act now I can only pray for you when the prophecy comes true…
3-4 months from now, when the EMP hits I’d hate to be that father who looks in his children’s eyes powerless because he had no preparation in place… Overwhelmed with grief knowing he had the solution in hand and the time to prepare but did absolutely nothing…
Could you live with yourself knowing you have received a powerful warning… that maybe even God had sent you to this website to make a choice and you chose the wrong option? Could you tell that to your wife and kids as the lights go out everywhere and panic sets in?
When the EMP strikes. how much would you regret the choice you made today?
Today, there still is time to make the right choice…
God bless you and God bless America…
Click the Get Access Now button and I’ll meet you on the other side

Get The Complete Survive The End Days Pack


Still here? Let me just answer some of the most common questions you might have about the biblical prophecies and the "Survive the End Days" program:

Why should I prepare for the end of Babylon America if it is going to be wiped out according to the Scripture?

You are right in asking this… judging by the words of the prophets, 80% of Americans will not make it. That is because they have been ignorant of the prophecies and did not prepare.
In the words of the prophet Matthew 24:13: But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
This program is designed to keep you alive and endure until the Glory of the Second coming of our Lord and savior.

If all electronics, and even networks like communication channels, are down... why do I need a Faraday Cage to store my electronics?

As you probably already know... you are not alone. The prepping community is constantly growing.
AS fellow Christians and patriots we will help each other survive…
Having the possibility of communicating via radio can save your life in a post-apocalyptic world. Also, a Faraday Cage isn't built to put your iPhone in it... you can store plenty of useful things like a flashlight or spare repair parts for cars.

What are the immediate effects of the EMP, Putin’s weapon of indignation?

Despite popular beliefs... planes won't be falling down from the sky and some cars, including newer models might still work.
However, some effects will be much worse... an EMP blast won't have any direct effects over the people. There will be no visible or noticeable explosion.
The first noticeable thing will be lack of electricity. The effects however are morbid. The first death wave would come moments after the EMP and in a matter of one week our civilization would turn into a primitive and barbaric world. Add to that the inevitable invasion of the assembly of armies from the north and you get a nightmare scenario for America…
Time is wasting… If the words of the prophets and all the facts I have showed you are not enough to convince you to make such a puny investment than I can only pray for your soul...
You already know this may be your only chance of making it out alive…click the "Get Access Now" button now and give "Survive the End days" a try. As I already shown... you have nothing to lose.

DISCLAIMER: The author of this material wishes to keep his identity private, therefore Nathan Shepard is a pen name.
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