Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day of the Antichrist – June 6, 2016

In the Bible, the prophet Daniel warns us that the Antichrist will be revealed to the world in the middle of the final seven years of human history.  Many would describe this as “42 months into the seven year tribulation,” when they expect the Antichrist to break his covenant with the Jews, enter a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, and proclaim himself to be God.  Before this date, the Antichrist is just a popular and powerful politician – his behavior is still restrained and he has not claimed to be God or shown his true nature as the Antichrist.  But one day, 42 months into the seven years, his restraint is removed and the entire world will know him for what he truly is.

The research for my previous book (End Times and 2019) leads me to conclude that the first three and a half years, although full of problems like earthquakes and wars and rumors of wars – will not be intense enough to make anyone assume the world is ending.  Only the second three and a half years will clearly be “great tribulation.”  That being said, the final seven years already began on December 21, 2012 – when plans were made for the “Covenant of Peoples” tour in Israel and the Mayan Long Count ended.  When Daniel talks about a midpoint halfway through these seven years, I believe he is referring to June 2016.  The duration of his first time period is repeated often using different phrases to avoid possible misinterpretation.  “Time, times, and half a time” are considered to be three and a half years, or 42 months, or “1260 days” using 42 months of 30 days each.  Adding Daniel’s next number of “1290 days” gets us within a few days of an exact seven years in total – but it still leaves us with an extra 3 days of darkness to add to each half to reach an exact seven years.  The two witnesses will lie dead in the street for three days at the end of the second half.  I believe the extra 3 days at the end of the first three and a half years can be explained by an assassination attempt on the Antichrist exactly 1260 days into Daniel’s 70th week on June 3, 2016.  He will appear to be mortally wounded at first, but in a tragic mockery of Christ’s resurrection, he will rise fully healed 3 days later, and present himself at the site of the Temple in Jerusalem as God on earth on June 6, 2016.

As on earth, so it is in heaven: when the Antichrist enters the Temple, Venus appears to enter the Sun.  The Morningstar (Lucifer/Antichrist=Venus) enters the Temple (goes directly behind the Sun/altar of fire in the Temple.)  As the Sun also represents Christ, and Venus is on the opposite (anti-) side we have our astronomical Anti-christ in the right position.  This is a rare event that happens on just 9 days every 105 years…  And even the date fits activity for the Antichrist – the sixth day of the sixth month of a year ending in six – the only 6-6-6 date during the entire tribulation.

The odds of Venus going behind the sun on any given day are about 9/(105*365.25) – about 1 in 4261 odds.  It only happens on a 6-6-6 date one day out of every 15,563,302 days.  That means on average it would not happen again like this for about 42,611 years.  It is a VERY rare sign.

There are many other clues pointing to this date which require a more detailed explanation.  The easiest one to explain in this short article is the JUBILEE.

In the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to let the land rest every 7 years and have a Sabbath year.  After 7 Sabbath years, they were also told to celebrate a jubilee year.  Every 49 years, debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, and land which had been “sold” (leased really, the prices were even based on how many years were left before the next jubilee) reverted back to its original owner.  This was to remind them that GOD owned the land and the people.

What better date could be chosen by someone standing at the temple in Jerusalem claiming to be God – than the date exactly one jubilee after the Israeli army liberated East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount?  The Israelis entered East Jerusalem on June 6, 1967, and by morning had taken back the entire city, including the Temple Mount.  Forty-nine years later we have June 6, 2016, when the Antichrist will try to mimic Christ and claim that it is time for possession of the land and the people to revert back to him.  Many Christians expect the Second Coming at the end of a jubilee cycle, and notice that Daniel’s 70 sevens of years  (490 years as described in Daniel 9:24-27) equals ten jubilee cycles and would end with the tenth jubilee.  In the Jewish commentaries known as the Talmud, Elijah says “on the last Jubilee the Son of David will come.” (Sanhedrin 97b)  Though the Antichrist will show up in the middle of Daniel’s final week of years, and not on a biblical jubilee – he will try to claim that he is our Messiah and that he fulfills this prophecy – on June 6, 2016.

My last book briefly addresses this date as the midpoint of the final seven years, but the focus of that book is really on the final events of December 2019.  For more details on the events of June 6, 2016 – including the identity of the Antichrist – please watch for the release of my next book on the Antichrist, which will focus more on events just two years away in 2016.

— contributed by David Montaigne, author of End Times and 2019 and Antichrist 2016-2019

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