- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 2, 2014
More than 1,400 people in 44 states are being actively monitored for Ebola after returning to the U.S. from West Africa, Sharyl Attkisson reports.
“They are being monitored because they came from one of the four countries with ongoing Ebola outbreaks,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, according to Ms. Attkisson, an independent investigative journalist who previously worked for CBS News.

The Department of Homeland Security reportedly began Oct. 22 requiring all U.S. bound passengers from Ebola-infected West African countries to arrive at one of five U.S. airports with enhanced screening. No new Ebola cases have been reported in the U.S. since Oct. 23, Ms. Attkisson said.

SEE ALSO: White House on Ebola preparation: ‘Tremendous progress’ as more hospitals equipped to handle virus

The Obama administration boasted Tuesday that it has made “tremendous progress” in the fight against Ebola.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a list Tuesday of the 35 hospitals across the country designated as Ebola treatment centers. Most are clustered in metropolitan areas such as New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis and Washington, D.C., The Associated Press reported.