Thursday, January 15, 2015

Anti-Gun Left Takes Their Hate to Startling New Low, Attacking Chris Kyle

During his four tours overseas, United States Navy SEAL Chris Kyle’s kill record was so effective that insurgents put a $80,000 bounty on his head. Named by the terrorists in Iraq as the “The Devil of Ramadi” with 225 confirmed kills, the deadliest sniper in U.S. history is regarded as a hero to most red-blooded patriotic Americans.

Anti-Gun Left Takes Their Hate to Startling New Low
As the deadliest sniper ever in recorded history, the anti-gun military-hating left-wing nut-jobs naturally wouldn’t be Kyle’s biggest fan. But one anti-gun group has taken their hatred to a new low, even for them, by targeting the now deceased Kyle, whose story is told in Clint Eastwood’s new film, American Sniper. The Washington Examiner reported that Washington-based anti-gun group Coalition To Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) had “given critics of the upcoming movie a Facebook outlet to rant about the subject of the movie,” where page followers then took the opportunity to take cheap shots regarding the death of the American Soldier after a post was made about the film.
 “Good Riddance,” wrote one. “What goes around comes around,” another said.

While the hatred spewing from the predominantly anti-gun left comes as no big surprise, it is still somewhat amazing that they could completely miss the point that Kyle was killing terrorists in order to protect our troops and keep our country safe. Do they really think that their agenda of gun control and taking guns from all Americans should extend to our soldiers fighting overseas?
Are these anti-gun loons so out of touch with reality that they truly believe that all of the world’s problems would be solved if no one had guns? Do they truly believe that the bad guys are just going to lay down their weapons simply because we ask them to?
The problem is not the gun, it is the person holding it. A person who refuses to follow laws is a criminal, and creating more laws to control guns will not change the criminal, since they don’t follow the laws anyway. The only way that we can successfully stop gun violence is to stop the bad guys and criminals who have them, and the best way to do that is with an armed and educated populace. The answer to gun violence is most certainly not taking away the guns of those that would put their lives on the line for the sake of our freedom.

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