Monday, January 12, 2015

CENTCOM Hacked By ISIS "We Know Everything About You, Your Wives And Children"

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

While Barack Obama was giving a "security speech" about new proposals to protect America's Internet systems from cyber security threats, a groups calling themselves the ISIS Cyber caliphate was busy proving just how ineffective out security protocols really are as they hacked into both the CENTCOM's Twitter account and YouTube account, which I go over in detail in the video below and show in screen shots.

As of publishing this article, both accounts have been "suspended" until CENTCOM can get control back and remove the documents, photos and data that ISIS publicly posted, supposedly obtained from CENTCOM themselves, employees mobile devices and in one claim, the Pentagon.

One of the most disturbing messages, accompanied by data proving their assertion, were the two statements "American Soldiers, we are coming, watch your back," then a chilling threat of "We won't stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children." (Shown in the two screen shots below)



While documents were leaked via the CENTCOM Twitter account, the YouTube hack showed the CENTCOM image art on top as changed to a maked man with the words "cybercaliphate," and two videos were posted during the time they controlled the account, one the "Flames of War ISIS Video," and the other "O Soldiers of Truth Go Forth," both of which are ISIS propaganda videos.


Both videos now show an error stating "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated."


Included in some of the information splashed across the CENTCOM Twitter account were names, home addresses and telephone numbers of 4-star generals of the US Military, and statements saying "ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base."

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