Thursday, January 15, 2015

BREAKING: Radical Muslim Group Demands Fox News Fire THESE Hosts

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 
Apparently, for radical Muslims, the murder of ten journalists at the offices of French newspaper Charlie Hebdo didn’t go far enough to silence opposition to their extremism. Now they are demanding that Fox News fire any hosts who speak ill of Islam or the Prophet Muhammad.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, long understood by conservatives to be a front group for Islamic terror, recently demanded that Fox “drop Islamophobes” from its programming. The group seemed to be focused primarily on guests who are interviewed or invited to provide commentary on its programming, but it reportedly made no exclusion for regular Fox News hosts.
By CAIR’s definition, that would include some of the Fox New Channel’s most recognizable personalities, including Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, Andrea Tantaros and many others.
TPNN cites a report from author Pamela Geller, who since 9/11 has worked against what she refers to as “creeping Shariah” in the West.
Geller pointed out that criticism of Islam or Muhammad is a capital offense under Shariah law, so any claims by CAIR or similar organizations to stand for free speech and Shariah law are blatantly self-contradictory.
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“Doing what leftist/marxists/fascists do, they label anyone that is an opposition to them,” Geller wrote.
“If you don’t believe that Islam is a religion of peace or you might speak out against something relative to Islam, like say, oh I don’t know, terrorism or workplace beheadings, instantly you are labeled an Islamophobe,” she added. “And CAIR wants you silenced.”
She also reminded readers that CAIR had recently been designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, while President Barack Obama treats them like what they claim to be — a civil rights group.
I can certainly understand why CAIR would be upset with Fox News for refusing to take part in their national propaganda machine the way that most of the rest of the media does.
But I just as certainly hope and expect that their demands have fallen on deaf ears at Fox News headquarters, just as they deserve.

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