Sunday, January 25, 2015

Islam experts: No-go zones looming for America


Ebola has killed third of the world’s great apes

Ebola poses a huge threat to ape populations.
Ebola poses a huge threat to ape populations. Photo: Angela Wylie

Ebola is wreaking havoc in the world's ape populations, experts warn.

Erin Conway-Smith

Johannesburg: Ebola has wiped out a third of the world's chimpanzee and gorilla populations and could threaten the survival of these already endangered great apes, conservationists have warned.
The current Ebola epidemic in West Africa is the worst known among humans, killing 8641 people, according to the latest World Health Organisation figures.
But outbreaks have taken place sporadically in central Africa since the first known case in 1976 and the virus is considered a major threat to gorillas and chimpanzees. In an article for the Jane Goodall Institute, Ria Ghai, an ecologist, wrote that a third of the world's chimpanzees and gorillas have died from Ebola since the 1990s. "Unlike human epidemics, wild-ape epidemics tend to go unnoticed for months or even years," she wrote.

The end is near for humanity

US group founded by creators of atomic bomb moves ‘Doomsday Clock’ ahead two minutes; not so fast, other scientists say

A US nuclear bomb test at the Marshall Islands, 1954 (photo credit: Wikicommons/United States Department of Energy)
A US nuclear bomb test at the Marshall Islands, 1954 (photo credit: Wikicommons/United States Department of Energy)
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says Earth is now closer to human-caused doomsday than it has been in more than 30 years because of global warming and nuclear weaponry. But other experts say that’s much too gloomy.
The US advocacy group founded by the creators of the atomic bomb moved their famed “Doomsday Clock” ahead two minutes on Thursday. It said the world is now three minutes from a catastrophic midnight, instead of five minutes. 

GOP Pushes Abortion Bill Through House on March for Life Day

With thousands of abortion protesters swarming the city in their annual March for Life, Republicans muscled broadened abortion restrictions through the House on Thursday after a GOP rebellion forced leaders into an awkward retreat on an earlier version.
By a near party-line 242-179 vote, the House voted to permanently forbid federal funds for most abortion coverage. The bill would also block tax credits for many people and employers who buy abortion coverage under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
A White House veto threat and an uncertain fate in the Senate mean the legislation has no realistic chance of becoming law. But on a day when crowds of anti-abortion demonstrators stretched for blocks outside Capitol windows — and hours after the embarrassing GOP stumble on another abortion measure — Thursday's vote let party leaders signal that the Congress they now command is at least trying to end abortion.
The GOP's passage of one bill and the abrupt derailment of another forbidding most late-term abortions underscored the party's perilous balancing act of backing abortion restrictions crucial to conservatives while not alienating women and younger voters wary of such restrictions.
Obama, out West to promote his State of the Union economic agenda, embraced the same 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion that the protesters were vilifying.

Israeli TV shows ‘Iranian missile’ that ‘can reach far beyond Europe’ Read more: Israeli TV shows 'Iranian missile' that 'can reach far beyond Europe'

A satellite image shown on Israel's Channel 2 news, January 21, 2015, said to show a new long-range Iranian missile on a launch pad outside Tehran. (Channel 2 screenshot)
A satellite image shown on Israel's Channel 2 news, January 21, 2015, said to show a new long-range Iranian missile on a launch pad outside Tehran. (Channel 2 screenshot)

Iran has built a 27-meter-long missile, capable of delivering a warhead “far beyond Europe,” and placed it on a launch pad at a site close to Tehran, an Israeli television report said Wednesday, showing what it said were the first satellite images of the missile ever seen in the West.

It stressed that the missile could be used to launch spacecraft or satellites, but also to carry warheads.
The Channel 2 news report showed satellite imagery documenting what it said was Iran’s “very rapid progress” on long-range missile manufacture.
It showed one photograph of a site near Tehran, which it said the West had known about for two years, where Iran was working on engines for its long-range missiles.
It then showed a satellite photograph of a second site, nearby, which featured a launch pad, with the 27-meter missile on it — an Iranian missile “never seen before” by the West.
The missile is capable of taking a manned spacecraft or satellite into space, the TV report said.
It is also capable of carrying a conventional or non-conventional warhead “far beyond Europe,” the report added.

Doomsday clock inches forward to three minutes from catastrophic midnight

Doomsday clock inches forward to three minutes from catastrophic midnight

The end of civilisation is nigh, according to ‘doomsayers’. Picture: Thinkstock.
The end of civilisation is nigh, according to ‘doomsayers’. Picture: Thinkstock. Source: News Limited

DOOMSAYERS, prepare your bunkers. The ‘Doomsday Clock’ is ticking.
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a group founded by the creators of the atomic bomb, say the world is now three minutes from a catastrophic midnight and the closest it has been in 30 years.
The clock moved forward two minutes, citing global warming and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry as the world’s greatest threats.
Atomic testing in the 1950s saw the Doomsday Clock move closer to midnight than it has ev
Atomic testing in the 1950s saw the Doomsday Clock move closer to midnight than it has ever been. Picture shows testing in the Australian outback. Source: News Corp Australia

Giant asteroid to whip past earth

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — An asteroid up to 1,800 feet across is headed Earth’s way. But don’t worry: It will miss us by 745,000 miles, about three times the distance between Earth and the moon.
Still, that’s close for such a large rock.
NASA scientists say asteroid 2004 BL86 will come closest Monday. That will be the nearest the asteroid gets for another 200 years. And it will be the closest known encounter by such a giant space rock until another mega-asteroid flies by in 2027.
It was discovered in 2004 and is estimated to be about one-third of a mile in size, or between 1,600 and 1,800 feet.
Amateur astronomers across North America should be able to see it with telescopes and binoculars.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Germany continues to repatriate gold: Bundesbank

By AFP | 19 Jan, 2015, 03.38PM IST

For decades the Bundesbank's gold holdings have been kept in the treasuries of other central banks -- in Paris, London and New York.
For decades the Bundesbank's gold holdings have been kept in the treasuries of other central banks -- in Paris, London and New York.

FRANKFURT: The German central bank or Bundesbank said Monday that it stepped up the repatriation of its gold reserves from overseas storage last year.

"The Bundesbank successfully continued and further stepped up its transfers of gold," the central bank said in a statement.

"In 2014, 120 tonnes of gold were transferred to Frankfurt from storage locations abroad: 35 tonnes from Paris and 85 tonnes from New York."

Germany's gold reserves are the second-biggest in the world after those of the United States and totalled 3,384.2 tonnes this month, according to the latest data compiled by the World Gold Council.

For decades the Bundesbank's gold holdings have been kept in the treasuries of other central banks -- in Paris, London and New York.

According to the German central bank's own data, 1,447 tonnes are stored at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, 438 tonnes at the Bank of England in London and 307 tonnes at the Banque de France in Paris.

There were historical reasons for this. After World War II and the export revival of West Germany's "economic miracle" in the 1950s, the central bank accumulated dollars it swapped for gold at the Federal Reserve. With Germany split between capitalist west and the communist East German state until 1990, storing most of the gold abroad was a way to keep it out of Soviet reach during the Cold War.

But surging mistrust of the euro during Europe's debt crisis fed a campaign to bring home Germany's gold reserve from New York and London, with some political parties fuelling fears the gold might have been tampered with.

Under the Bundesbank's new gold storage plan in 2013, it decided to bring back 674 tonnes from abroad by 2020 and store half of its gold in its own vaults.

"Implementation of our new gold storage plan is proceeding smoothly. Operations are running very much according to schedule," said Bundesbank executive board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele.

"We also called on the expertise of the Bank for International Settlements for the spot checks that had to be carried out. As expected, there were no irregularities," Thiele said.

Since the transfers began in 2013, the Bundesbank said it has relocated a total of 157 tonnes of gold to Frankfurt -- 67 tonnes from Paris and 90 tonnes from New York.

ISIS executes 13 teens for watching soccer

The young fans were reportedly watching an Asian Cup match between Iraq and Jordan on TV last week when they were caught by the militants in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which ISIS, or the Islamic State, controls.
The group of teens was executed in public by a firing squad that used machine guns, according to Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, an activist group that exposes ISIS atrocities.
Before the kids were killed, their “crime” was announced over a loudspeaker, reports said.
“The bodies remained lying in the open and their parents were unable to withdraw them for fear of murder by the terrorist organization,” RIBSS posted on its website.
The boys were slaughtered because they were said to be violating Sharia law by watching the game.
Iraq beat Jordan 1-0 in the Jan. 12 match, which took place in Brisbane, Australia.
A few days earlier, the Islamic State released a gruesome video showing two men being flung off a tower in Mosul.
Before the execution, a masked fighter using a hand-held radio announced to a crowd of onlookers that the condemned duo had been found guilty of engaging in homosexual activities.
Meanwhile, the Islamic State is winning the war against heavy winter storms battering Iraq and Syria, huge swaths of which they control.
US military officials told The Post the terrorists are completely unfazed by brutal weather conditions that have plagued Syrian and Iraqi refugees currently being helped by the United Nations.
“[ISIS] is a well-funded group, able to purchase cold-weather equipment,” said one US military official.
“Also, while there are some foreign fighters, the vast majority of [ISIS] are from the area, so they know how to adjust for weather conditions,” the official added.

Russian Armed Forces to Adopt Hypersonic Missiles on Mass Scale

The development of hypersonic missiles in Russia and the United States currently stands at the same level, the CEO of Russia's Tactical Missiles Corporation believes.
MOSCOW, January 19 (Sputnik) — The Russian Armed Forces will receive hypersonic missiles on mass scale in about 15 to 25 years, with the first prototypes to be created by 2020, CEO of Russia's Tactical Missiles Corporation Boris Obnosov said in an interview with the "Defense of Russia" magazine.
"I think that the program will unfold as early as in the next decade, and the transition to the hypersonic [missiles] is a matter of the 2030s-2040s," Obnosov said.
He explained that the main difficulty in developing missiles able to fly significantly faster than the speed of sound was needed for new construction materials, capable of enduring the temperatures caused by flying at extremely high speed.
"Flying at Mach 6 [4,567 mph] is one task, but [doing it] at Mach 8-10 is an entirely another one. We could even speak of Mach 10-12. The tasks grows more difficult exponentially," Obnosov said.
The Tactical Missiles Corporation's CEO added the task of producing hypersonic missiles was also a challenge in terms of the construction of missile engines and on-board equipment.

The development of hypersonic missiles in Russia and the United States currently stands at the same level, the CEO of Russia's Tactical Missiles Corporation believes.
Joint Stock Company Tactical Missiles Corporation was established in 2002 and includes 26 companies, producing missiles and guided bombs, as well as air-, sea- and land-based missile systems

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dem Rep: Obama Right Not to Call Terrorists ‘Islamic Extremists’ Because It Would Anger Them

When asked if the Obama Administration was right to refuse to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) backed the White House because saying “Islamic Extremists” would anger the terrorists.
Lee said, “They’re responsible for ensuring our national security. We have to be careful in our language and how we — I don’t want to see any more anger and hostility or violence in the world. Our response to terrorism is a response that makes us safer that begins to dismantle and degrade terrorist organizations, not create more havoc, anger, and hostility in the world.”
The White House and Lee’s acquiescence to how they label America’s enemy has been the subject of much scrutiny and debate this week. The catered response signals a fear of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their extremist allies.
This trepidation is only magnified when compared to the language used by America’s oldest ally, France. The French government has responded in a strong manner to radical Islam in both words and actions.
Following the horrifying attack on Charlie Hebdo, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared that France was now at war and would respond with tremendous force.
Valls said, “It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity,”
Lee’s comments in support of the Administration are not surprising. She was the only member of Congress to vote against the authorization to use military force to invade Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks.
Lee, speaking to Chris Hayes on MSNBC, continued, “I have to just say to the President and the White Wouse they’re absolutely correct. And I’m not even talking about being politically correct. I’m talking about in the context of our national security.”

Islamic State issues photos of toddlers in gun trainin

Islamic State releases photos of gun-toting toddlers in training
In the wake of a video purporting to show a child executing two prisoners, Islamic State militants released images Thursday of toddlers practicing their skill with toy guns.
"Lions cubs ... raised in the land of the Caliphate," the caption reads for the series of six photos shared online by supporters of the militant group, which controls large parts of Iraq and Syria. The pictures show small boys playing, rather grimly, with toy assault rifles.
 Two images depict a child somberly aiming down the sight of a mock M-16 from a kneeling and a prone stance. Another picture features a toddler, appearing to be no older than 3, cradling a gun with a forlorn expression on his face.
According to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant groups, the photos were issued from the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqah, Syria.
mic State has put a premium on the use of propaganda and has made savvy use of social media. It routinely uploads images and videos of children engaged in religious study or prayers. It has also shown children at play with the corpses of dead prisoners, using decapitated heads as soccer balls and shouting slogans supporting Islamic State.
The militant group blitzed through large areas of Syria and Iraq in June, wresting control of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, before marching toward the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. An offensive two months later on Kurdish-controlled areas in northern Iraq spurred a wide-scale U.S.-led aerial campaign to stop the group's progress.
Human rights groups have accused Islamic State of using child soldiers. Residents of areas under its control claim the group sends its fighters to schools to recruit children.
A video released Tuesday showed a boy who appeared to be about 12 using a gun to apparently execute two men who were identified as Russian prisoners of Islamic State.
The Sunni extremists espouse a harsh interpretation of Islamic law, with punishments including amputations, crucifixions and beheadings. It has unleashed a wave of attacks on the region's minorities, with systematic kidnappings and massacres.

Bulos is a special correspondent.

ISIS Shows its Most Popular Execution Style is Crucifixion

The brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization that has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria continues to impose Islamic Sharia law sprinkled with generous helping of executions – one of its favorite methods, crucifixion, was put on display this week in rare form.
In the last two days, ISIS terrorists crucified 15 Syrian civilians in several villages of the Deir ez-Zur region in the country’s east, over accusations of “opposing” the Islamic State.
Read Full Article


Muslims: Convert to Christianity - 'Christ will forgive'

Franklin Graham on TV tells Muslims: Convert to Christianity - 'Christ will forgive'

The Rev. Franklin Graham told Muslims during a nationally televised interview on Fox News that they should convert to Christianity - that Jesus Christ will forgive and save them. "I want to say something to all the Muslims that may be watching this that are confused and are afraid themselves," Mr. Graham said during an interview…

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Gerald Celente: 'Worldwide Panic Beginning - There Is No Recovery"


The screenshot above from the Facebook page of Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente tells us what the mainstream media won't tell us, the looks on the faces of the business traders in the linked King World News story tells us the rest; the shocking move by the Swiss National Bank is only the BEGINNING of a much larger global meltdown; there is no recovery; we're heading towards a global economic collapse. In the video below featuring Gerald Celente with Rick Wiles on TruNews, Celente gives us his full analysis for the year 2015 beginning at the 14 minute mark.

Rick begins the program by warning that the wheels are beginning to come off the cart with the Swiss Bank decision, saying that traders were totally unprepared for what was coming: "Complete carnage" one trader said. Sharing that it's not every day that a country's central bank pulls the rug out from under so many feet, "clearly people are worried that there's something bigger afoot." Warning us that what we're watching now is only the beginning of the coming 'economic tsunami', we're also asked why the mainstream media is putting out stories about economic recovery while one of Bloomberg's lead stories is called "Mayhem Erupts On Trading Floors After Swiss Central Banks Remove Cap On Franc."From Celente at King World News: So the worst is yet to come and there is no way out.  And I would suggest to people as they look around the world at the geopolitical problems that are going on and how so many countries are becoming police states — under the guise of terrorism — that they ask themselves:  Are these countries really afraid of terrorism or are they afraid of their own populations that are losing everything and will take to the streets?  Because that’s what we see coming.  We see a global collapse.  There’s no recovery — it’s been a coverup.”


Russia throws down the gauntlet: energy supply to Europe cut off; petrodollar abandoned as currency war escalate

(NaturalNews) There are some big moves taking place on the global stage that you need to know about, as this could all lead to World War III.

Yesterday Russia cut off its natural gas supply to Europe, "plunging the continent into an energy crisis 'within hours' as a dispute with Ukraine escalated," reports the Daily Mail. [1]

"This morning, gas companies in Ukraine said that Russia had completely cut off their supply. Six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine today, in a sharp escalation of a struggle over energy that threatens Europe as winter sets in."

Alternative media warned about this weeks ago

This was all predicted in advance as a move toward World War III. The website All News Pipeline summarizes the predictions which were widely printed across the alternative media weeks ago.

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts had also warned in advance of a "Black Swan Event" such as Russia cutting off energy supplies to European nations as a prelude to war.

Europe depends heavily on natural gas supplies from Russia which are piped into the region via Ukraine. This is especially true in the winter when gas is needed for heat.

Russia pulls out of the petrodollar

In addition to cutting off natural gas supplies to Europe, Russia has also "just pulled itself out of the petrodollar," reports Zero Hedge. [2]

The story quotes stating that Russia "may unseal its $88 billion Reserve Fund and convert some of its foreign-currency holdings into ruble."

This is further explained by Mac Slavo at who explains, "What we are seeing are the strategic moves that will eventually catalyze the next great war. And make no mistake, this is exactly what's in store for the world should these escalations continue."

An escalation into war?

What's happening here is a radical escalation of the global currency war in which Russia and China are attempting to route the U.S. dollar and ultimately destroy the U.S. empire.

Part of this strategy involves dumping the petrodollar as a global reserve currency and reverting to alternative currencies backed by something more than just hot air. Further evidence of this strategy is found in the explanations on King World News which states that China is moving to back its Yuan currency with gold!

This explains why China has been buying up the world's physical gold supplies. The U.S., meanwhile, has empty gold vaults and a fiat paper currency backed by nothing but hot air, empty promises and endless debt. The whole world knows this, and nations like Russia are positioning themselves to take advantage of the massive currency collapse that's eventually coming to the dollar.

Just yesterday, the Swiss franc skyrocketed 30% in mere minutes as the central banks controlling the Euro neared announcing their own massive money printing scheme that would flood the global markets with Euros. As Associated Press wrote, "Bowing to the inevitable, Switzerland has ditched an increasingly expensive policy to limit the export-sapping rise of the Swiss franc -- a decision that propelled the currency a whopping 30 percent higher against the euro within minutes." [3]

Oil prices manipulated as an act of economic warfare

As part of the U.S. effort to wage war on Russia, oil prices have been artificially lowered with the help of the Saudis (who have strong ties to the Bush family and whose royalty was magically evacuated out of the U.S. on private jets during the 9/11 terror attacks) working in conjunction with U.S. forces. The aim is to devastate the Russian economy, harm the Russian currency and even cause damage to Venezuela where food supplies are now wiped out and grocery stores are being guarded by armed government military personnel.

Of course, you won't hear a word of this from the hypnotic, droning mainstream media which tells you everything is just fine. It isn't. Massive geopolitical strategies and schemes are being unleashed right now, behind the scenes, and a currency war is under way at the highest levels.

The days are numbered for the dollar as the world's reserve currency

The world, it seems, is fed up with the U.S. abusing its reserve currency status by pumping up the money supply with billions of dollar a month in new fiat money. (Courtesy of the Federal Reserve and its bankster bailouts.) The world is also fed up with the U.S. meddling in international affairs in Ukraine, the Middle East and hundreds of individual nations where the U.S. empire maintains a military occupation of one kind or another.

Right now the Russians are targeting NATO countries with the energy cut-offs, sending a message that any nation which allows its soil to be used by western forces to host missile systems will find its economy crushed by a lack of available energy.

The U.S., meanwhile, has dangerously backed Putin into a corner from which we can only expect an aggressive backlash engineered to protect the national interests of Russia itself.

Remember how the U.S. was drawn into World War II?

You may or may not recall that it was a U.S.-led energy blockage against Japan in the 1940's that ultimate forced Japan to launch its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. In a similar pattern, the U.S. and NATO nations are currently forcing devastating economic sanctions onto Russia, driving the nation into a rapidly-dwindling set of defensive options, one of which includes the deployment of nuclear weaponry.

This situation is beyond "serious." It is at red alert levels, and you need to be monitoring websites like to catch the headlines you won't find in the mainstream media.

Russia could soon run multiple Ukraine-sized operations: U.S. general

WIESBADEN, Germany Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:44am EST
Russian amphibious vehicles drive in formation during celebrations to mark Navy Day in the far eastern Russian port of Vladivostok July 27, 2014.  REUTERS/Yuri Maltsev
Russian amphibious vehicles drive in formation during celebrations to mark Navy Day in the far eastern Russian port of Vladivostok July 27, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Yuri Maltsev

(Reuters) - Russia is working to develop within a few years the capability to threaten several neighbors at once on the scale of its present operation in Ukraine, a senior American general said. Lieutenant-General Ben Hodges, commander of U.S. Army forces in Europe, told Reuters an attack on another neighbor does not seem like an immediate threat because Moscow appears to have its hands full in Ukraine for now.
But that could change within a few years, when upgrades sought by President Vladimir Putin would give Russia the ability to carry out up to three such operations at the same time, without a mobilization that would give the West time to respond.
"Right now, without mobilizing, I don't think they have the capacity to do three major things at one time. They can do one thing, I think, in a big way without mobilizing. But in four to five years, I think that will change," Hodges said.
"Certainly within the next four to five years they will have the ability to conduct operations in eastern Ukraine and pressure the Baltics and pressure Georgia and do other things, without having to do a full mobilization."
The war in Ukraine, in which NATO says Moscow has supported pro-Russian rebels with arms and troops, has alarmed some of Russia's other neighbors, who are seeking greater reassurances for their defense from the Western alliance.
Moscow denies its active troops have fought in eastern Ukraine, but Western governments say they have evidence it has sent armored columns and hundreds of soldiers. More than 4,000 people have died in the conflict, including nearly 300 on board a Malaysian airliner shot down over rebel-held territory.
Putin has committed to spending billions to boost Russia's military capability, despite an economic crisis caused by sanctions over Ukraine and falling oil prices.

As Endgame Nears US Govt Openly Targeting Watchmen, Vets In Intimidation Campaign - Will The "Lists" Be Activated Soon


What started as a step by step process to ostracize constitutionalists, religious groups, verterans, gun owners, preppers, and those considered "Watchmen" who relentlessly sound the alarm on what is coming, has turned into an open intimidation campaign against those very same groups.

In 2010 the Department of Justice listed “constitutionalists” and “survivalists” alongside organizations like Al-Qaeda and the Aryan Brotherhood. August 2011, the FBI listed preppers and preparaedness supplies in their terrosim update bulletin. In October 2012, a National Guardsman reveals US Govt plans to target preppers.  In 2013, a report was issued showing that a U.S. Army Reserve presentation classified Catholics and Evangelical Protestants as “extremist” religious groups alongside al Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan.  April 2014, reports show that Eric Holder suggested that new smart technology, including "smart gun" bracelets, be utilized as part of gun control measures.

This type of targeting continues into 2015 as the most recent reports show that the US govt is now cracking down on survivalists and preppers.

Those links above are just a small sample of the ostracization part of the US govt, globalists campaign against anybody that may stand against their ultimate "endgame" plan.

If that is not disturbing enough to those that believe in freedom, the constitition and/or religious groups, then the next phase which is a campaign of open intimidation, should chill you to the very bone.

Veterans and gun owners promise to be the last line of defense against a tyrannical government and watchmen are those that issue warnings, point out what is hapenning when the MSM refuses to do so, connects the dots and attempt to wake people up, make them open their eyes and see what is happening right in from of them.

Recently ANP was contacted by a veteran who was concerned over being openly surveilled by an NSA van, many scoffed on how the NSA wouldn't be so blatant and how anyway can name their wireless network whatever they want. Granted, they can and they do, but that report, with others emailed after it was published, in conjunction with previous reports on blatant US surveillance  of veterans to which some believe are also being actively targeted for assassination when it all hits the fan, along with Thursday's report by the Hawk, a 'watchman" (found here) where Chinook helicopters can be heard during his broadcast, all point to a new phase in the globalists' plan..... open intimidation.

Which brings us to the much-talked about red, blue and green lists, where certain segments of the population have been put into a "red list" for termination, others a "blue list" to carry out those assassinations and the "green list" for those to be re-educated. This was exposed  by another watchman, Steve Quayle on Coast to Coast, who explained this information was given to him by a whistleblower from the EPA. Quayle recently reiterated his warning in October on the Alex Jones show, as events are fast approaching the end stages.

The first vidoe below from February 2014 is the Alex Jones interview from October 2014, the second video a reminder from Febraury 2014 about the open tageting of veterans, documented extensively in the SQ Alerts at Quayles website.

Are we about to see these lists be activated?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Profile of a terrorist: What makes people blow themselves up