Wednesday, November 12, 2014

KBC Votes Out Church For Stance On Homosexuality

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) -- More than 1,000 baptists from nearly 450 churches are in Bowling Green for the annual Kentucky Baptist Convention. A Louisville church's stance on gay marriage caused the group to make a tough decision Tuesday afternoon.

As the doors open at Living Hope Baptist Church, hundreds begin to file in for the Kentucky Baptist Convention.

"It means a lot to us that they would want to come and entrust us with the responsibility for caring for so many who are here. When we come together like this we are just holding to what we believe and encouraging one another in our calling," said Living Hope Baptist Church Lead Pastor, Jason Pettus.

One of those beliefs was put to the test Tuesday during a vote. Crescent Hill Church in Louisville announced last year that they would not only be open to marrying gay couples, they would also make sure sexual preference wasn't a factor in the hiring process.

"Our committee on credentials recommended that we break fellowship with the church because they have become affirming of the homosexual lifestyle. We're deeply saddened by that. We've left the door open in the event they would choose to reverse course on that and be repentant of it, and come back into standing with the churches of the KBC," said KBC Executive Director, Paul Chitwood.

Another important vote taking place is for the group's new president. That title now belongs to a pastor in Bowling Green. Tom James is the Lead Pastor at Eastwood Baptist Church and he knows the issue of gay marriage isn't going away anytime soon.

"If we're practicing known sin then we have to take a stand but we love them. It's not a matter of not loving them. Whether it's that or legalizing gambling, I think we're going to have to continue to take a rough stance," said James.

The KBC said if Crescent Hill decides to reverse its decision on hiring and marrying gays, they would be open to letting them rejoin the group. The KBC said they welcome people of all beliefs to attend services at their churches, but if they're leading a homosexual lifestyle, they aren't allowed to be members.

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