Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What 'Emperor' Obama should have said to illegals

An Australian who expresses his optimism in America in his new book, “The American Boomerang: How the World’s Greatest ‘Turnaround’ Nation Will Do It Again,” contends President Obama got it all wrong in his announcement of executive action that effectively grants amnesty to millions of illegal aliens
Nick Adams said in a Fox News interview Obama should have declared: “We are going to determine who comes into this country and the circumstances under which they come” and “if you come to America illegally you will never get to stay.”
“You will never become an American. We will send you home.”
Obama’s plan would give about 4 million illegal aliens work permits and raise the number of low-wage guest workers. He also aims to rewrite federal regulations to help workers win residency, citizenship and voting cards in a process that is expected to ultimately add millions of Democratic Party voters.
Adams said there are millions who want to become Americans “the right way,” and there needs to be a process.
He noted there already is a reported “surge” of immigrants at the U.S. border.
Australia, he said, had the same problem “until a conservative government took over.”
“We had a terrible problem. We had tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming. On lots and lots of boats. Because we weakened our border protection policy,” he said. “And then a conservative government came in and said, ‘Right. This has got to stop.’
“We are a generous and caring people,” Adams said of his Australia. “But we have laws and things need to happen the right way. So we got tough because we know weakness is provocative and things like amnesty only lead to more and more illegal immigration.”
Adams, himself, is seeking to become an American.
Get your copy of “The American Boomerang: How the World’s Greatest ‘Turnaround’ Nation Will Do It Again” – autographed – from the WND Superstore now!

But doing it the right way is very costly and time-consuming, he said.
“We’re talking tens of thousands of dollars. We’re talking lots of time, years, that people wait. And yet, if you go across the border, you’ve been here five years, all of a sudden, you’re in. So it’s very disappointing, very frustrating, not just for me. But most importantly it weakens America.”
He said once the conservative government took over in Australia, the illegal immigration stopped.
“For the last 10 months we have not had one single illegal immigrant come into Australia. Not one,” he said. “It’s the [story] that Obama should be hailing.
“The first responsibility of any government is to secure its borders, and amnesty is going to lead to more and more illegal immigration.”
It’s political correctness gone wild, he said.
Nick Adams
Nick Adams
“You’ve always got the politically correct. The same people that are behind the idea that because I’m a white, Christian, middle class male I don’t get a voice, but if I was a naked, gay Ecuadorian … that got on his mat and faced Mecca five times a day with a credit line at the Bank of Jihad, you know the world you be at my feet.
“It’s really important that America understands that what President Obama did the other day is going to fundamentally transform this nation,” he said.
At a time when American exceptionalism is an embarrassment and irritant to the president of the United States, Adams, a 31-year-old speaker and author, is trumpeting the idea the world over.
Take his view of the American spirit: “The American possesses a distinctly bold boomerang nature. Carrying the characteristics of the Australia flying tool, he often embarks on a trajectory that travels him far from his origin, but always returns him to his founding position. Both the boomerang and the American are pioneer tools of self-determination, uniquely crafted in varying materials and size with an adventurous character, and free will.”
In “The American Boomerang,” Adams examines the qualities that have made the U.S. unique, beginning with his premise that unity was a great hallmark of America. With a flair for just the right phrase, Adams notes that he has always been “captive to its freedoms.”
Get your copy of “The American Boomerang: How the World’s Greatest ‘Turnaround’ Nation Will Do It Again” – autographed – from the WND Superstore now!


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