Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Top doc's e-book on avoiding Ebola – FREE!

Get WND special report on protecting yourself and your family

Throughout the current Ebola crisis, Americans have endured a constant
stream of smug, evasive and misleading assurances from both Barack Obama and the CDC that they were totally on top of the Ebola threat – when the truth has been quite the opposite.
Understandably, Americans are anxious, concerned and often don’t know what to believe. Into this breach steps Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and also head of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, with a brand new e-book, published by WND Books, titled “The Truth About Ebola: Protect Yourself and Your Family.” It authoritatively answers every practical question – and then some – you may have regarding Ebola, all without even a smidgeon of the political correctness infecting the government’s statements, reassurances and policies.
What do YOU think? Has the U.S. seen the worst of Ebola? Sound off in today’s WND poll
This special e-book, which focuses particularly on how to guard the health and wellbeing of yourself and your loved ones, is being made available FREE, exclusively to WND news alert subscribers. Best of all, Dr. Orient will be adding major updates to the Ebola e-book every month for the next five months, so WND news alert subscribers can download a new version any time they want to get the very latest information. As long as you remain subscribed for free to this service of WND, you will also have access not only to the continually updated Ebola e-book, but to all future giveaways of this kind – and we have many in store. So if you’re not yet subscribed to WND’s free news alerts, you can do so now and get instant access to “The Truth About Ebola: Protect Yourself and Your Family.”
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Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/ebola-special-report/#P4otgKb5Oyh7BEuc.99

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