Sunday, November 23, 2014

Marine dad banned from school over Islam lessons fights back

 Marine veteran of the Iraq war who refused to retreat when his daughter was forced in a high-school class to affirm “Allah is the same god that is worshiped in Christianity and Judaism” hasn’t given up on his mission.
John Kevin Wood and his wife, Melissa, now are being represented by the Thomas More Law Center in a lawsuit against La Plata High School in Maryland over “Islamic indoctrination” in an 11th grade World History class.
The case drew national attention when John Wood was banned from entering school property after he objected to assignments to affirm statements such as the “Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad in the same way that Jews and Christians believe the Torah and the Gospels were revealed to Moses and the New Testament writers.”
On Oct. 22, TMLC said, Wood, who had witnessed “the destruction caused in the name of Allah” serving in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, demanded his daughter be given an alternative assignment after discovering she was being forced “to repeat the religious tenets of Islam.”
“She was required to write how the prophet Muhammad was visited by the Angel Gabriel and preached that there is only one true god, who is Allah. The assignment made her write that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah and that the Quran is holy text,” TMLC said.
‘The assignment required her to affirm that ‘Allah is the same god that is worshiped in Christianity and Judaism’ and that the ‘Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Mohammad in the same way that Jews and Christians believe the Torah and the Gospels were revealed to Moses and the New Testament writers.’ The assignment also forced young women such as the Woods’ daughter, to fill in the following sentences: ‘Men are the managers of the affairs of women’ and ‘Righteous women are therefore obedient.’”
John Wood contacted the school, but officials refused to provide another assignment for his daughter, and he refused to allow the “Islamic indoctrination.”
School officials then gave the daughter an “F” for the class and ordered John Wood to stay away from the school.

Richard C. Thompson, chief counsel for TMLC, said: “Adding insult to injury, in an arrogant and unnecessary display of power, La Plata’s principal issued a written ‘No Trespass’ notice, which denied this former Marine who stood in harm’s way defending our country including the principal and her staff, any access to school grounds. The school’s actions not only dishonored John Wood’s service, but the service of all men and women in our armed forces who defended our nation from Islamic violence. True to his Marine training, John Wood stood his ground. He did not retreat. Yes, his daughter has received a failing grade in her World History class. But the story is not yet over.”
A reporter from local WTSP-TV contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations, where a spokeswoman, Zainab Chaudry, attributed Wood’s actions to the “growing anti-Muslim sentiment” in America.
Chaudry said the beheadings of Americans by the Muslim ISIS terror army and kidnappings of young schoolgirls by the Muslim Boko Haram terrorists gave Muslims a “negative image.”
But the Woods told the station their point is that those current events should be included in any teaching about Islam.
“That’s, I guess, our biggest concern right now is how they’re teaching it and what is really going on right now in this world,” said Melissa Wood.
“[Schools] are not teaching about radical Islam right now – going around beheading people in America and Australia and they’re not teaching that. They’re just teaching, ‘Oh, it’s peaceful.’ And it’s not peaceful,” John Wood told the station.
The Woods told the station nearly a dozen other La Plata parents have reached out to them in support of their views.


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