Monday, November 3, 2014

Tavis Smiley Compares Obama to Jesus

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," PBS host Tavis Smiley commented on the Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate from Kentucky, Alison Lundergan Grimes refusing to admitting she voted for President Barack Obama said, "Peter only denied Jesus three times."

Smiley said, "In Kentucky it was discussed earlier you have a candidate who four times in matter of minutes wouldn't even admit to voting for Barack Obama. You want his loyal base to support you, you give the president the Heisman, but you want constituents to vote for you. I mean, Peter only denied Jesus three times. The fourth time denial in matter of minutes but you want the black vote to save you again. You want Hispanics to save you again. I'm not saying that blacks and browns ought to abandoned the Democratic party, what I'm saying is you've got to hold them accountable and maybe the lessons of what happens this year ought to start being reviewed now in advance of 2016."

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