Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Obama literally spanked in brand-new images

Artists hold nothing back in mocking U.S. president

Vladimir Putin spanks Barack Obama in “Targeted Sanctions,” part of a new art gallery in Moscow. (Photos courtesy Gazeta.ru)

While many artists in Moscow appear to fawn over Russian President Vladimir Putin in a brand-new exhibit, apparently they don’t have the same affection for U.S. President Barack Obama.
The political gallery titled “No Filters” opened Friday in Moscow, featuring the work of some 100 cartoonists.
Most of the caricatures depict Putin in a positive light, as a strong, savvy, global chess master, while Obama appears to be a dishonest, political midget who is weak, tuckered out and even harms the environment.
One striking image titled “Targeted Sanctions” shows Putin as a father figure holding Barack Obama, who has the body of a boy, over his knee to deliver a spanking. The caricature pokes fun at America’s economic strategy against Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Another takes the “Star Wars” route, featuring Putin as a virile Luke Skywalker and Obama as Darth Vader. Putin points to Obama’s light saber to let him know it has gone limp.



A third image depicts Obama and Putin both watering a tree. On the Putin side of the tree, the tree and its surrounding environment is green and fertile; but on the Obama side of the tree, there is a toxic wasteland atop a stack of human skulls.


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